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Held Upright When I Fainted

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Hey there,

Oh my goodness! I can't imagine someone holding a fainter upright....Maybe you could type something up and hand it out to people saying what needs to be done if something happens (i.e. fainting). People really need to be educated about this.

As for any permanent damage, I have no idea, so I can't help you out with that one. I hope you feel better than you have been lately.

Has your doc thought about some other types of meds you could try???


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If it happened on campus I would imagine that you can go to whoever is in charge of health & safety and make sure that all of their people are retaught the proper procedures.

As for a long term effect I don't think anyone here is qualified in answering that question.

Your symptoms make me wonder if you are hypovolemic. You should be concerned with your fluid intake and probably your blood count. It doesn't sound like you were getting enough circulation to your extremities either. These are just my opinions, I'm not a doctor.

Good luck


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If i am held upright when i faint i have fit like shakes and my head rolls down and stuff ... i dont know about permanent damage but it is a horrible feeling. Ask your doc. Just explain the the portor how thankful you are that he helped you (get him at ease) then just mention in the future its best if you lay down strait away if you faint.

Have they still got you living upstairs after all this? Hope you feel better soon xo

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Persephone- Yikes! your story made me say "I need a candy bar!" I hope you're feeling betterby now.

This same thing also happened to me at the Dermatologist's office. As I was paying on the way out, I told the receptionist that I was going to faint and needed to sit down (I had just had a treatment where I was lying down for half an hour). I sat in a chair, and as I put my head between my legs, someone came out with a wheelchair and made me sit in it. I could feel their arms pushing me up as I tried to get my head down. You know the more they put me upright, the less I could resist, so I fainted completely, of course.

As I regained consciousness, I heard my doctor (whom I love) yell "Call 911!" This office has 4 or 5 doctors and a bunch of nurses, but they needed an ambulance for a simple faint? Afterwards, the nurse looked at my record and said "O yeah, there's a red sticker here that says 'faints'".

My advice to you and to myself is to get a bracelet that says, "in case of FAINTING, put head DOWN." I don't know, maybe someone come up with something more clear. Then we can put out the arm and we would'nt have to try to protect ourselves from well-meaning people. :D

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