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Fat And Flabby


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:) Hi everyone and Happy Easter,

I need some advice. I am having a real problem keeping my weight under control. When I got sick a year ago, I lost 35 pounds, couldn't eat, etc. Now a year later, between the meds and eating salt and feeling to bad to exercise, I feel like I am fat and flabby. I have gained the weight back and then some. I don't eat that much, once or twice a day,if that, but I get salt with sunflower and pumpkin seeds. I am afraid to go walking alone and I don't last on the treadmill or stationary bike for more than one or two minutes. HELP!!!!

My brain is the same as it was when I was going to the gym everyday, walking a 15 minute mile, biking and swimming and running around a level one trauma center, nursing four to five nights a week, twelve hours at a time.

It messes with your self image and I don't want to get depressed over this. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks, I love all of you! :P


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I do floor exercises. Leg lifts, crunches, and even paddle my legs like I'm on a bike laying down. I do this for about 10 minutes a day several times a week. It doesn't necessarily help control my weight, but I'm not trying to loose any. I'm sure if you went longer, it would be an excellent calorie burer.

- Lauren

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Thanks, my sister gave me a pilates dvd. I think I could increase my endurance if I could do it laying down. I just can't do it on the treadmill, I get too symptomatic.

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Just go slow, a little at first then more if you and when you can.

Two and a half months ago I could only walk around the block, now I'm going to the gym and working out for about 45-60min. I'm starting to have a hard time with it as the weather gets warmer so I may have to cut back. Just remember that if you did it yesterday, it doesn't always mean you can do it tomarrow.

I find the ball pretty easy, depending on how you use it.

Good luck,


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There are pilates dvds and tapes that are completely done on the floor. I have a few of them; they focus on protecting your spine and building your "core".

As for diet, despite being very sensitive to gluten, I've been sticking with NutriSystem for the past few months. I have not been very good about exercising--between work and school I'm barely keeping afloat. Despite that, I've lost 20 lbs. I have 10 more to go to get to my goal weight. :)

Also, I have been on weight watchers before, and did well when I was able to go to the meetings (I wasn't in grad school). I kept my at my goal for 2 years...and then I started my graduate program while working full time. I found it hard to attend the meetings, so before I started NutriSystem, I tired the WW online program. Unfortunately, I only lost 3 lbs after months. For me, I think I really needed the structure of the face to face program. The difference with NS is that the food is packaged, so I can't make the "wrong" choice--for me, it makes up for the lack of meetings.

The bottom line for those trying to lose weight and keep fit is to find what works for YOU. If you're highly structured, you could probably do okay with online weight management, or even pick a publicly available plan and do it on your own. For exercise, you need to keep in mind your schedule, your strengths & weaknesses, likes and dislikes (for example, I hate to swim--so despite Dr. Grubb's suggtestion that I join a pool and exercise there, it's unlikely I'd stick with it). I can't do too much exercies upright, it makes my spine and neck hurt too much.

For me, Pilates is a great match--the tough part for me is finding the energy and time to do it. It's exhausting, but in the past, it's really helped me have less back pain. It doesn't take the pain away, but it does make it a bit lower.


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For exercise, I do sitting-down strength training, as well as exercises the physical therapist gives me. Recently I've been able to go back to the gym. The only cardio workout I am able to do is the recumbent bike. It's great- sitting in a position that's more supine than upright. I can't wait to get back on my real bike, but for now, going to the gym means I can stop when I need to.

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I started exercising in my bed, I was to weak and sick to get out and do it. Just did a couple leg lifts each leg, then would lift up my head and pull myself up and if I was going to sit up, those were my sit ups, then I would put my arms out straight and then bring them together in front of me, those were like arm lifts, just slowly did what I could think of while lying in bed. As I got stronger I would do this in the chair. I did arm circles while sitting up. Arms out straight from my side, and then I rolled them forward making circles. This helps build up strength, but also made me feel more happy. Eventually I graduated to walking but still do most exercises sitting down.

I have gained a big about of weight, 60 lbs!!! It is depressing expecially when I eat very little. I am not sure why I am gaining, I am even more active but no weight leaves. I have just decided if this is how I am suppose to be fine, but i still exercise as it does improve my spirits.


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Guest sonotech

I know how mentally tough it can be especially when you used to be a very active person, but many medications can cause weight gain so dont beat yourself up.

You might not be eating ENOUGH. ONCE or TWICE a day doesnt sound to good. Your body needs enough calories and nutrients especially if you have a chronic illness, since you dont want to get weaker. Your body might be in "starvation mode" and be holding on to everything if you arent eating enough.

You can also buy exercise "bands" at the store (walmart, academy, etc) that are good for "resistance type exercises that are very easy to do while laying down or in bed.

Just remember....If the meds that cause weight gain help you "feel" better, then which is worse?....feeling good and being a little over weight, or feeling really crappy and being skinny? (I pick the feeling better one).

Take care of yourself and take care of your inside first, you can always take care of the outside later.


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I forgot to mention that I do have the "therabands". One set came with one of my pilates cd's. The others I got at physical therapy and cost me about 6 bucks a piece.


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