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Dr. Grubb Article And Biofeedback


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Hi. This is directed mainly to patients of Dr. Grubb.

In the article which was linked for us recently on Orthostatic Hypotension, there is a sentence in which Dr. Grubb says that biofeedback is sometimes helpful. There are different kinds of biofeedback. Does anyone know what he meant when he said that? Or could you ask him if you have an opportunity?



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Actually, I see the names of some articles on Pubmed, but can't find a way to access the articles. Does anyone have copies of these?

1: McGrady AV, Kern-Buell C, Bush E, Devonshire R, Claggett AL, Grubb BP. Related Articles, Links

Biofeedback-assisted relaxation therapy in neurocardiogenic syncope: a pilot study.

Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2003 Sep;28(3):183-92.

PMID: 12964450 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

2: Boehm KE, Morris EJ, Kip KT, Karas B, Grubb BP. Related Articles, Links

Diagnosis and management of neurally mediated syncope and related conditions in adolescents.

J Adolesc Health. 2001 Jan;28(1):2-9. Review. No abstract available.

PMID: 11137899 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

3: McGrady AV, Bush EG, Grubb BP. Related Articles, Links

Outcome of biofeedback-assisted relaxation for neurocardiogenic syncope and headache: a clinical replication series.

Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 1997 Mar;22(1):63-72.

PMID: 9287256 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Dr. Greene Bush co-authored an an article with A. McGrady, C, Kern-Buell, C., R. Devonshire, A. Clagget, and B. Grubb, titled Biofeedback-Assisted Relaxation Therapy in Neurocardiogenic Syncope: A Pilot Study in the journal Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 2003, 28, 183-192.


Diagnosis and management of neurally mediated syncope and related conditions in adolescents


Outcome of biofeedback-assisted relaxation for neurocardiogenic syncope and headache: a clinical replication series




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Thank you, Briarrose, for these links. I checked them all, but didn't read every word. It isn't completely clear to me what kind of biofeedback they are working with. I am guessing that it has to do with peripheral temperature or heart rate feedback (as opposed to neurofeedback or muscle relaxation).

Thanks, again.


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Your welcome.

I kind of took it that it was relaxation therapy.

McGrady, A., Bush, E.G., Grubb, B. Outcome of biofeedback assisted relaxation for neurocardiogenic syncope and headache: A clinical replication series. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 22(1):63-72, 1997.

One other thing, maybe you could try contacting Ken Davis in Toledo, Ohio and asking him about it specifically. Isn't he the one that uses it?

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I just wanted to share that I am working with a psychologist right now on bio-feedback.. we actually havent started working on the "techniques" yet b/c of other things going on.. but she is familiar with pots.. and has treated some other pots patients..

I am primarily learning bio-feedback to help with insomnia and control my pain (bone+migranes)... I told bev at dr.g's office that I was starting bio-feedback and they were all for it.. and though it was agood idea..

my psychologist want s to teach me how to get deep muscles relaxations.. thru breathing exercises and stuff.. I'm more then willing to share what is involved in it if anybody would like to know via PM's or email

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