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My Vision Is Staying Blurry...and Getting Worse...


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After last week with my issues with the wallpapering and stuff, I was having issues with my vision. The blurriness would come and go. Over this past week, it is now permanently blurry and I have to MAJORLY concentrate to see anything...which then causes MAJOR headaches. I talked with my dr yesterday about it and he said that things are looking bad. A relaxed eye should comfortably see at an arms distance. I can't see anything up close or anything away from me either. We determined that my relaxed vision distance is about 40 ft which my dr says is really bad and tells him that my eyes are VERY messed up. He sated that going to an eye dr. is not going to do anything for me since no lens is going to be able to fix this. Basically I have to hope that this does not get any worse, if it does I won't have my vision any more.

And now when I try to walk AT ALL I am having issues. Now after standing for 2-3 minutes, I start to sweat, get lightheaded, get dizzy and then almost pass out. Before this was only once in an outing if I were walking for 30 or more. Now it is ALL the time.

We can't figure out what the deal is. We figure that I am heading for a bad period again and this is just the start. The issue is that after every bad period, everything stays a little worse.

My dr said that he is going to make some more phone calls by Thurs to see if any drs out there can help with this vision issue and the others that are happening. I am very close to not being able to work anymore. If this vision stuff gets ANY worse, I'll be done. I just can't handle the strain. I am luckily that I am a good typer and can get by that way so far. I just can't be on the computer and straining y eyes from more than a few minutes...the headaches are awful too.

I'll let you know if my dr comes up with anything...hopefully he has some good news for me on Thursday. Crossing my fingers!


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Oh, Lisa!

How scary! I don't know what to tell you except you'll be in my thoughts and I hope you feel better!!

It's easy for me to say, but please only worry about getting well. That is the only thing you really need to focus on: relax and be well. You'll get more answers soon and in my opinion, worry will only add to your stress and make you feel worse. Though it is near impossible to avoid worrying, I know. I just wanted to encourage you to try to relax and be patient.

Peace, love and courage,


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I'm so sorry your having such a horrible time. You must feel scared having your vision messed and irritated as you've been through alot already.

You are definitely a fighter since your still able to get to work. Keep up the fight and I'll pray that your doctor gives you some hope on thursday.

hang in there


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Hi Lisa,

So sorry to hear your problem, I can only immagine.

Do you think that maybe you got something in your eyes because of the wallpaper?

I have been having problems with my eyes too, wonder if you feel the same thing?

My eyes feel like they have a glaze or film over them. My eyes kinda hurt but it's a tierd hurt.

I've noticed even with my glasses, I have a hard time focusing and I'm squinting alot. Also blinking alot

trying to clear my vission.

Do you feel like this?

Good luck I hope you get better soon.


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Hi, Lisa,

Sorry to hear about your scary experience. I have vision problems, too off and on. I have had these episodes of blurry vision, but mine haven't lasted very long. I've also done a lot of wallpapering in my time, and it is very phsycially demanding, especially if you spend any time on a ladder. I don't think you should underestimate the toll wallpapering can take on your body.

Do you by any chance have any neck problems? The combination of being on a ladder, having to hold the paper on the wall with your arms up while looking up is really, really hard on your neck. I was told by my neurologist never to hold up my arms and look up at the same time. When I have, I have often had vision problems and terrible headaches for days. Normally, I would have to really get serious with some NSAIDS in order to feel any better.

Also, I know that I tend to sweat heavily when doing that kind of work. Is there a chance that you are dehydrated?

Hope you feel better soon!


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Unfortunately the vision problems were before I wallpapered...it is just getting worse as the days go on. I get to see my dr. tomorrow to see what he has heard from other docs. Hopefully, something. There has to be hope somewhere, right? I think that my counselor is just going to LOVE me this week. I think I am really going to need those relaxation techniques soon before I crack.

I am truly trying to stay positive through all this, I am just REALLY scared that I will completely lose my sight. If I had one sense I REALLY didn't want to lose it would be that one. I couldn't see my boys grow up...that would be a killer.

I'll let you know what m dr says tomorrow, or doesn't say. I am getting some trigger point injections too. Those have been awfully painful lately too. He says that it is REALLY tight. I guess we need to make sure that I do not go past that 6 week mark for my Botox injections. Amazing how those work! Something that at least works...can't give up that!

Thanks for all the prayers....they are defintely needed, although I am sure that others are in a harder place right now.


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How frightening for you.

I hope your doc can get you some information but I would still see an eye doctor. maybe a neuro opthamologist?

Since you wallpapered, does the smell of the chemicals in the wallpaper bother you?

Do you spend a lot of time in that room?

Years ago I went in a wall paper store to look for a border and had to leave within 3 minutes due to the chemical smell.

I hope you get some answers/help SOON.


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How frightening for you.

I hope your doc can get you some information but I would still see an eye doctor. maybe a neuro opthamologist?

Since you wallpapered, does the smell of the chemicals in the wallpaper bother you?

Do you spend a lot of time in that room?

Years ago I went in a wall paper store to look for a border and had to leave within 3 minutes due to the chemical smell.

I hope you get some answers/help SOON.



I am sorry to hear about your blurred vision. i do hope you get answers soon!! I ahd it for awhile and then it mysteriously went away, I do hope this happens for you too! My thoughts and prayers are with you!



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