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Electrolyte Mixes

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I'm just curious about where I could find an electrolyte mix. I was told that gatorade isn't tooo good for you if you aren't active (is this true???). I know there have been past posts about the electro. mixes, I'm looking for some general info about them....Thanks for any info!


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Apart from the artificial bits, it's probably just the sugar in gatorade that makes it not great if you're not active... Since an active person drinking gatorade is actually working off those calories. Still it's better than soda or juice. I've seen other electrolyte mixes at health food shops and GNC, but most of them seem to contain sugar as well (and are a bit expensive in my view). I suppose if you're not averse to drinking saltwater if you get into a slump that gatorade usually helps, and taking potassium, that could work too. I've done it a few times in Europe when gatorade wasn't available, and after a while it's no longer nauseating!

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The Gourmet Salt Spray Seasoning by Trace Minerals says that it can be used to make an electrolyte sports drink. I sort of made my own, since I usually avoid sugar, by mixing 2-3 oz of 100% fruit juice with 10 oz of water, and 1/4 teaspoon of Salt Spray. It didn't taste bad and I figured the nutritional information to be approximately:

Home made sports-electrolyte replacement, 12 oz

2 oz 100% fruit juice (will be mainly grape or apple juice)

10 oz water

1/4 tsp Trace Minerals Gourmet Spray Salt Seasoning

Will give you approx:

sodium 130mg

chloride 218mg (combined 348 mg)

potassium 62mg

magnesium 14 mg

calcium 3mg

plus a multitude of trace minerals

6-7 grams of carbs (about like Gatorade)

More fruit juice would give it more flavor, but also ups the carbs, which one source says interferes with absorption.

The Salt Spray Seasoning is sun evaporated water from Utah?s Great Salt Lake, and has a nice, rich salty taste without any chemical aftertaste like table salt. There is also a low sodium version, called ConcenTrace, for those interested in minerals, alone. I bought mine at the health food store, but it certainly could be ordered on line.

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I use electromix by Alacer..... and I add 1/4 tsp of celtic sea salt to every liter of it as well....

I dont like the aritficial junk in the store bought drinks...

You can get electromix at your health food store.

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Guest tearose

I only use the mixes when I am in a bad place and can't take tablet supplements

I don't have the energy to mix my own so I purchase packets from either a pharmacy, a hiking store, health food store or on line...I like having the convenient packet in my pots tote bag.

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I found that gateraide adds pounds, thats the drawback I didn't like. This sounds gross but I actually have gotten used to it and it's not that bad. I buy a product called bio-salt. It is a mixure of minerals instead of pure sodium, more like the consistancy of your own tears. I add it to my water or other drinks and it isn't as strong as regular salt and doesn't upset my stomach either. I put it in all our salt shakers and everyone in my house is using it and like it.


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another option is Emergen-C. it comes in individual packets & can be bought at some stores (i get it at Trader Joe's) or ordered online. there are many flavors/varieties to try....

B) melissa

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Thanks for all the helpful info everyone....This may sound stupid, but can a person have too many electolyte drinks....I know you can get sick if your electrolyte balance is thrown off...Just curious!


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Hi Jacquie - I am not a Dr but I do believe that you can do too much of a good thing which is why its important to follow mixing instructions and not over saturate yourself with anything......

For every liter of water I drink 16 ounces with electromic and celtic sea salt and then the rest I drink is hexagonal puryfied water so that I dont over do too much on anything.....

Take Care! B)

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