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can anyone relate to this??


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Lately, I've been noticing that my fingers gets jammed into a lock position (open hand position) and it requires some effort on my part to curl the fingers back up...and everything seems ok afterwards. I just thought that this was the weirdest thing ever and I was wondering if anyone else had this experience before, and if yes, why is this happening? Is it possibly related to POTS or a different underlying cause is at work here? I'd appreciate any thoughts on this! :D

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I have had a similiar problem in my right hand. No underlying cause has been found but I still think it is neurological. I wouuld strongly encourage you to have a neurologist look at you. Good luck!


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My hands do that as well, and it's aggravated when I use them more, so it's part of the reason I had to stop massage school. I have no idea why- I had thought it was because of arthritis, but I'm not sure!

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Hi, I get similar feeling in my toes, but I think what I've got is muscle spasms :unsure: ...I would go see your doc if you're concerned!


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my wife was diagnosed dec 2003 @ NIH in Bethesda w/POTS after doing a guinea pig study for inderol/propranolol. every spell/attack she has ever had since nov 2002 (when they really started, but was pawned off as panic & anxiety), both of her hands lock up and actually have a kung-fu grip on whatever object she may grab while falling down (my arm, a chair or table leg, a utensil, etc.). it takes a few seconds to minutes to get them unlocked. it is still that way to this day.

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I get this all the time, especially when I am using a knife or pencil. It's like when I use the muscles in my hand with pressure my muscles cramp up and get locked in a palsy like position. I asked my doctor about this. I told him that after a minute of letting them relax and then moving them around a bit it goes away. He didn't seem worried about it. He thinks it might be low blood volume getting to the hands and cramping them up.

If mine gets worse I will as him to refer me to a specialist. Good luck.


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Try researching trigger finger and vit B6/pyridoxine. I had a doctor tell me last week that beta blockers especially lower B vitamin levels in the body. I know that some people are better from trigger finger by increasing B complex and especially B6.

When it is the whole hand, the circulation explanation makes the most sense.

Good luck.


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I have a similar if not the same thing each of you describe. But for me it is usually my entire right arm, my neck, my throat, my eyes. And sometimes its my entire body. The entire bodylooks like grand-mal seizures. Its been tenatively diagnosed as Dystonia, a neurological movement disorder.

My father and hsuband have to hit the pressure point for the affected areas to make them release. They've tested my postassium levels. I do have hypokalemia--low potassium and am on suppliments for it, but they have tested my levels before and after episodes while in the ER and the potassium levels weren't low enough to have caused muscle spasms.

I'm going to Shands Jackosnville, Movement Disorder Clinic on 6 March to get more answers and have the diagnosis confirmed or denied. I'll let y'all know what they say.


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I get it too. Particularly my pinky on my left hand but I have had both hands do it...When writing, when trying to get a fitted sheet onto a bed (particluarly if the sheet is kind of tight etc.)

It hurts at first but then it is just locked and I have to use my other hand to bend the affected hand until it releases. Yucky.

No doctors are interested in mine either.

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I?ve always suspected this problem was due to dehydration, but . . .

While Googling something else, I ran across this disorder which usually does not get dx?d unless you have other problems, and this issue comes to light. It?s call Myotonic Dystrophy (MD), it?s genetic and it's a sort of muscle weakness. One easy way to see if it needs to be followed up on is what is called a grip test, the first link shows the grip, the second link shows what the hand looks like when you let go. If you have the grip releasing difficulty and the other sx listed on the site, please investigate.

http://www.myotonicdystrophy.org/images/Grip%20Test.gif (allow time to load)


The main site is large and informative (not sure what country it?s from.) MD can cause cardiac problems and fatigue, sleepiness and lack of motivation; breathing and GI problems. It also says that, because it is rare, most doctors will not have a patient in their practice with it.


Please remember, it?s rare, so your quirk may be dehydration or POTS related.

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I did the squeeze test thing and inside of 6 squeeses my hand started to ache and freeze a bit. So i did not continue. Then I did some research...

I found this link on hand/finger cramps

http://www.dystonia.ie/page.asp?Page=47&Menu=33 it is pretty interesting...


Writer?s Cramp is believed to be due to abnormal functioning of the basal ganglia, which are deep brain structures involved with the control of movement. The basal ganglia assist in initiating and regulating movement. What goes wrong in the basal ganglia is still unknown. An imbalance of dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the basal ganglia, may underlie several different forms of dystonia, but much more research needs to be done for a better understanding of the brain mechanisms involved with dystonia.

Cases of inherited writer?s cramp have been reported, usually in conjunction with early-onset generalised dystonia, which is associated with the DYT1 gene."

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