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Helpful hint for enduring an MRI


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When you have an MRI, you have to hold perfectly still for a long stretch of time, all the while the machine is making horrible loud banging noises. When I had one recently, I pretended that I was an actor in a science fiction movie. My character was in suspended animation, so my job as the actor was to remain perfectly still. The machine was just a stage prop, and we weren't really looking for nasty problems in my brain. My goal was to impress the director by keeping so still that we could shoot the entire scene in one "take." I didn't mention any of this to the technician, but she marveled at how still I remained during the whole procedure.

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I like your imaginative idea, thats super. Whenever I've had one, I've usually only been able to think..... It's gonna be over soon... Or, I'll have a stupid random thought such as what if they decide to go on a smoke break and forget I'm in there or something...stupid stuff like that. My daughter though, falls asleep while inside the tube when she had to have MRIs. If a person could sleep through that noise I think you could sleep through anything.

I like how they give you head phones to listen to whatever type of music you would like but during the testing the machines loud banging drowns out the music...feels like your listening to 'Stomp' in person while lying there.

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Hi, I was given 1 Ativan to take, which did nothing, so I had to reschedule and go back when a nurse would be in there. I was given 3 Ativan tablets, 2 were differ. strengths and I drifted off to sleep during my MRI, that's the only way I can do it. :o

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