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Double whammy here!

My first question is has anyone here applied and gotten accepted for disability for POTS?? If yes could you tell me if you were accepted the first time or denied....I have seen 8 doctors and been to 4 hospitals, but who knows....as for the ear testing I only made it through one of the tests cuz of my clostrophobia :D and the doctor said since I didnt make it through the other tests his results are inconclusive....

Second question is which doctor would I discuss the flu shot with...my PCP doesnt know much about my condition, I see a neurologist as well as a cardiologist for the POTS...?

Thanks guys!

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Call each doctors office and ask about the flu shot.

Disability... I have NMS and Sick Sinus Syndrome. Was turned down until I got to the hearing stage but I am sure that at least one person on here was accepted the first time through.

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Hi- a search for "disability" might be helpful for you because we have discussed it a lot on the board. Some folks get it the first time, some after an appeal, some don't- so.... it varies. Also, disability through an employer is very different than disability through the government so it depends on which type you are referring to (they are both a pain just in differrent ways!)

As far as the flu shot, discuss with whoever knows you best. Personally, I just got it without consulting my cardio because I knew he would tell me that getting the flu (for me) would be far more dangerous than the slight risk of complications from the vaccine. I have a port so infections for me are bad- real bad....

Stay away bad germs!!!!


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Just wanted to give you a quick reply..I was approved for social security disability the first time I applied. My only dx. is POTS and I was very fortunate to be approved without having to go through the appeals process. I agree with the others that you should do a search on this topic...I got a lot of good advise and info. from the memebers of the forum that I used to help my case. :rolleyes:

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I got Soc Sec first time on myown. In 1990 it was chronic fatigue syndrome.

The NAME of the illness doesn't get you disability. Medical documentations of your limitations does.

They don't want to know the name of your illness, they want to know WHAT you cannot do.

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I had to go to the first hearing stage with attorney. Had lots of records including therapists. Was approved within 10 days for POTS and received a check within 30 days. All I can sa is collect records, collect records, and in my case have a good therapist. Miriam

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