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My appointment with Dr. Grubb

Guest Julia59

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Guest Julia59

I had my appointment today with Dr. Grubb.

I told him about the whole mess i've been in lately. He was pretty cool about listening to my ramble in circles---and losing my train of thought over and over again. He told me to make sure the the NSG at the Cleveland Clinic sends a copy of his notes to him.

I told him how jittery I have been lately---and that I am crasing more and more.

I am hyper adrengic---and when the RN downloaded my loop recorder---he saw a lot of tachycardia and a few ectopic beats usually occuring with the tachycardia.

Dr. Grubb feels I have a lot going on at once and it could explain why i'm having more of the hyper adrengic attacks.

We are going to try a small dose of klonopin to see if it help quiet things down a bit.

Other then that---he was very nice and patient.

He said omega and folioc acid to help raise my HDL.

I am trying to find a natural way to increase my HDL without going on those horrible statins. WEll bad for me----they a good for a lot of other people----I just don't tolerate them well at all.

Julie :0)

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I took klonopin for a while.. but I honestly dont remeber how it worked for me.. I just rember taking it for a while.. and that I had ot stop taking it.. It did help me sleep..

I am glad your apointment went well w/Dr. Grubb..


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I found the klonopin very effective. I really enjoyed how I felt and how my ability to be upright without symptoms improved while on it. I only needed .5 mg, which I took at night before bed, though I had been given 1 mg (and sometimes cut it in half). It definitely helped me get to sleep and kept me from getting nervous.

Only one drawback for me. It stopped being effective after about 1 month and I needed to raise the dose to get the same effect. I did raise the dose ONCE, to 1 mg/day, but decided that I did not want to keep doing that every few weeks, so I quit taking it when the 1 mg dose became ineffective.

It took a good two weeks for me to stop being irritable and to stop having insomnia once I discontinued the pill.

That being said, it's great to have the stuff around the house to use when I'm particularly "wound up". I just cannot keep taking it because it loses its effectiveness.

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Unless I'm totally confused I think that is my new med. It's sometimes in the same class as valium? But.... what it helps me with is these weird seizure type things I have in my legs at night (extreme restless legs) and I have noticed it helps with migraine pain if I take enough of it. Weird- I know.


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hey julie!

i think you might find the klonopin really helpful, at least i hope so. it is great for the hyper-adergenic stuff...just start teeny tiny (like splitting a .5 mg pill in 1/4 's!) that's what i did and worked up. knowing you, you'll feel that little amount! i did! then, you can find the best dose for you...

glad you had a good appt. with dr. grubb too...you're on a roll! enjoy that ice cream for me tonight, as i miss dairy sooooo much!

carmen--you are not goofy that the klonopin helps with those things! it is used as a seizure med also. and, yes, it's a benzo in the class of valium...:)

futurehope--i hear you on the klopopin being a wonder drug but the effectiveness wearing off...this is what happens with the benzos that is so frustrating.

i take a very small dose of xanax every 8 hours (.0625 mg) which is 1/4 of a .25 mg pill...and at first i had so much relief from pain i just was thrilled and my POTS was better and the stupid heart pounding was better...but now it is not effective at this dose. xanax is the most addictive in this category b/c it is so short acting and so we are trying a couple of other things before i increase the dose, but i miss how great it made me feel!

julie--LOTS of folks on this site take klonopin with good success...


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I take klonopin also. I usually take a 1/4 in the p.m, before bed. It is enough to keep me calm, not waking up every hour and when I wake in the a.m. I usually don't have the adrenaline kicking in right away. I have not taken it often during the day because I worry about it knocking me out and can't have that at work while working with kids, I'd wake up and fight myself tied to one of the classroom chairs..lol.

I hope this is a start for you and that it works. My Dr. that I see in the center in Ala. had told me that one of the generic types of klonopin she found did not work as well as the original. So if you have a generic and you notice it does not work maybe you need the brand. She prescribed me the brand. I can't remember if she said it was the yellow generic or the pink generic one though.


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I hope things get better for you real soon Julie. Klonopin is the only drug I take and I only take a 1/2 of a .25 mg wafer (not the pill) before bed. It's great because it has no taste and dissolves under your tongue. It does help me on most nights, although sometimes I wake up and wind up having to take the other half. I try not to use it every night....just when I'm going through a rough spell, like now.

Well, hang in there and I hope it helps you.

Gena :)

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julie -

i don't have any knowledge re: klonopin either but am glad you had a good appt with dr. g & hope that you the new med is a good thing for you.

:) melissa

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