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small veins-wonder if there is a connection

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I have noticed that a lot of us complain about nurses not being able to find veins for IVs. I have had a terrrible problem with this and wonder if maybe it is characteristic of POTS. They have had to get careflight to put in ivs for me before-and I have been told I have small veins. Any one know or have any ideas? Jennifer TX

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Don't know if related or not... Always assumed it was due to low blood volume not making them as prominent as they could be.

Had a CT scan w/ contrast a few weeks ago, After 4 sticks in my arms, hands and wrists the anesthesiologist who had been called for assistance finally took my advice and used my foot. NOT the first time that happened.

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I have great veins. I've never had a problem with an IV. There are tons of normal folks who have problems getting a line running...I don't think this is at all related to having dysautonomia.


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i too have great veins...

on the opposite front, my dad is totally healthy/normal in regard to autonomic issues & he's a horrible stick....

if someone is more dehydrated than normal for him/her that can make it tougher to draw blood/ get an IV started at a given time, but this is the case for everyone - not just those with dysautonomia.

while i'm super sensitive to getting even a wee bit low on fluids, i'm technically only on the low side of normal in terms of my blood volume (per testing.) even when i've been dangerously dehydrated though (to the point of being hospitalized) the nurses & techs like my arms!

:) melissa

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i have tiny veins and trouble getting even the smallest amount of blood(usually butterfly the back of my hands or use my feet). i have had nurses, flight nurses and anesth. working on me. i often get the needles that they use on children, just so not to "blow out" the vein. in a small town hospital i had as many as 20+ sticks. i often refer to myself as the human pincushion. i never say anyting to the nurses unless they ask, which is usually after 5-6 sticks. i have had nurses who get me in one or two sticks sometimes too, i also feel it has to do with hydration.


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Just got back from vandy and had a lot of trouble with my veins they did not act as though this is related to the autonomic trouble though. They did not have trouble sticking although they did say my veins were small, they had trouble drawing blood and had to use heat to incourage blood flow. After a little while they would colapse and they would have to restart ( what a dud ).

Rita s

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