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mind racing


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i know this topic has been discussed before, but any input would be very appreciated, i have a terrible time with mind thinking too much, just racing, its the worst in the morning, anxious and just talking too too much, thank GOd mom is so patient that she listens to me all day, but whatever is on my mind, if i dont say it, it doesnt leave mind, how trivial or big it is, and its very very irritating since it keeps me from relaxing and even sleeping sometimes, some days it just doesnt shut off, and the talking definately makes me feel worse physically, so its a vicious cycle, does anyone know why our minds race and think too much, what the scientific reason is as related to the POTS? i dont think i have ADD, and i dont want to start the benzos, thanks for any advice, i know reading, listening to music, meditating all are good to distract yourself, but many times i cant focus on any of that, just wanted to know why this happens to us, i would like to explain the reason to mom, but she doesnt think i'm crazy!!,


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I have had problems with this in the past. For one I'm EXTREMELY honest about my feelings and usually tell my family/friends how I'm feeling. I have probally started a few topics on this board that nobody would usually bring up. Im just very open about my feelings. I feel this is partially becasue I am a stay-at-home mom of a 6,3&1 yr old so I can't have adult conversation for 24hrs. at a time (firefighter husband) Anyways, this leaves me with myself and my inner thoughts.

I talked to a counselor about this 2 months ago. I told her that I over analyze most everything and sometimes can't turn off my thought process. She said alot of her patients have these complaints. She said some of them are dx with Obsessive Compulsive Thinking.

I wasn't dx with that because when I am occuppied I can turn it off and she feels my problem is more of an isolation thing. Stay at home mom for almost 7yrs, since I was 21yrs old. So anyways since then I started scrapbooking and trying to get out with friends or on a date with my husband to try to reconnect to the adult world and that works for me.

My husband says "stop thinking so much about thinking so much"

I hope this helps and maybe it's something to look into???

I'm happy to hear you have your mom to listen to you. That's cool.


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What about doing something that requires total thinking -- like a puzzle or a crossword or something? I have the racing mind, too, but am usually able to meditate by focusing on one word or image and eventually I can slow it down.


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I have this too. My mind gets ahold of something and just can't let it go. It is obsessive thinking and can be part of an anxiety disorder. In my case I tell my brain to STOP, just STOP. Then I involve myself in something. Jigsaw puzzles work for me or getting on this forum and reading the messages, or writing something on a different subject, or working on my home-based business, or calling a friend and asking about her problems.

If you don't want to take drugs, have you ever looked into what is called cognative therapy? There are techniques to shift that thinking pattern.

Michigan Jan

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One thing that helps when my "mind won't stop" is to write. Whether big or small write down what is bugging you. Write down every possible scenario. For instance, write down what is the worst thing that could happen and then how would you handle it if that happened. Oftentimes, seeing things in writing puts things in a realistic and manageble size. Things that seem so big and terrible don't seem so huge when you can write down different solutions to them. Writing is also great because you don't have to worry about anyone else reading what you write- just write. It is for your eyes only so there are no boundaries. I have gotten out of bed in the middle of the night and written. The next morning what I wrote may not make any sense but it helped me calm down enough to sleep so it was beneficial. Hope this helps!


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yes i do alot of writing, and it does help, but doesnt stop the racing, but it does slow down as the day comes to an end, most of the time at least, and when i sleep, then it shuts off, does anyone know how or if this is related to the autonomic system and how the para and sympathetic systems cause the high state of anxiousness and hyper activity? thanks so much for all your suggestions, i wish i was strong enough and well enough to get out and do things, but cant right now, i'm sure socializing and going out would help, thanks again for all your replies,


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