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Are our immune systems weakened?

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I have been having trouble getting over this bacterial infection for at least a couple weeks now. And I'm on antibiotics. Just when I think it's going away, I wake up in the morning and I can just tell my throat is getting those white patches back. I've never had this much trouble getting rid of it. I get this every 1-2 years. I get these White patches on my tonsils then I take antibiotics and I'm fine. I used to even work through it fever and all. Now all I do is rest. I figured I would be over this by now. 

I've always wanted to get my tonsils removed because of this. I wonder how well I'd do with surgery. That's a whole different topic though.

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@Derek1987 - my PCP and I have been wondering for years if there is a connection between the immune system and POTS. I used to hardly ever be sick, despite working in a hospital and having a school aged child ( you know - they bring home all the goodies ). Since onset of POTS not only do I get sick more often but also become more ill and often I need 2 rounds of antibiotics. And I am homebound - so I don't go anywhere to get germs. But I have not yet been able to find ant evidence or research that would explain that.

Regarding the tonsils - it sounds like a tonsillectomy would definitely fix that for you. Frequent infections like that can wreak havoc even on healthy people - let alone a dysautonomiac! But I personally - through experience - would wait with that surgery until your POTS is more stabilized, simply because it is not an easy to recover from surgery. Do you see an ENT doctor? 

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At the beginning I believe mine was overactive , just like Stark mentioned. I never got sick, stopped having cold sores etc...  As I have improved over the years I am now getting colds. and illnesses that are going around. Go figure.

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