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Colyte for colonoscopy

Guest KiminOrlando

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Guest KiminOrlando

Anyone used this as the prep for a colonoscopy? Specifically people with POTS and gastroparesis. 

Spent the night in the ER from that one. Dehydration and uncontrolled bowel spasms. Wasn't able to get the colonoscopy. I only drank half before it became too painful. 

Still not back to 'normal' and it has been 48 hours. Any advice would be appreciated. He wants to still do a colonoscopy, but I'm not using that as prep again. That was HORRIBLE and this was my 3rd colonoscopy. I knew what to expect.



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I am not sure what the medication was that I took last November for my colonoscopy but I tolerated it fine ( while receiving home IV fluids during the prep ). I had to drink close to a gallon of fluid but it was a powder I had to put in my drink of choice ( gingerale ). I had to drink the first part the afternoon before and the other half starting at 4 am the morning of the procedure. I also had to take Bisacodyl capsules the afternoon before. I did well ( due to the IV fluids ) and tolerated the procedure ( first time without hospitalization ). 

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They used magnesium citrate with me, half the regular dosage.  It wasn't pleasant but I made it.  

Given what happened with you and that you've already had two prior colonoscopies, I would be asking if a 3rd was absolutely necessary and what they think they'll find this time that they couldn't find the past 2 times.  I don't know your medical history, but sometimes it does help to call a time out and reevaluate the strategy.  

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@KiminOrlando - two years ago I was supposed to have a colonoscopy but my PCP wanted me to be hospitalized for fluids during the prep. They ended up doing the cologuard  test that you do at hoem and send a sample in the mail to a lab. No prep required. They do that for people that are NOT high risk, if you are high risk you have to do the scope. 

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Guest KiminOrlando

I vomited the prep too. My colon spasmed and sealed. Fluid was rushing in but nothing could get out. I couldn't drink enough water. My lips and tongue were sticking to my teeth. My eye lids stuck to my eyes. My skin crinkled up. My temp dropped to 97.4 and I couldn't stop shaking. My hands turned blue. I was dizzy and weak and trying to faint when I stood up. That was Wednesday night. It is Saturday, I had 2 bags of fluids in the ER and I am still not ok. They had to give me anti-spasmatic meds at the ER by injection and gave me about 6 pills to take home. My stomach still can't handle anything. I finally tried chicken noodle soup last night and got sick.

I have no idea what he is looking for. Both parents have pre-cancerous polyps and he thinks I have pancreatic problems, but not sure this colonoscopy will help with anything specific. Just did stool sample for something (?) but it wasn't cologuard. My appointment is with his nurse practitioner, but I think I need to reschedule with him.

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@KiminOrlando - based on what you just went through I would ask for hospitalization for the prep - that had to be done for me once and all went well. They gave me fluids during the entire day of the prep and I tolerated it pretty well. 

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  • 3 years later...
Guest KiminOrlando

Just saw the actual Gastro today, not his nurse practitioner. He wants to do a colonoscopy again and an endoscopy. He wants me to do research. My insurance will not pay for in patient prep. I have not had a successful colonoscopy since 2007. He says my immunosuppressive drugs and my family history of polyps (and being over 50 now) means I need to be checked. Now they are also going to be doing biopsies looking for mast cells. He also said I will need to go on a liquid diet for 3 days because my last endoscopy I still had food in my stomach because of the gastroparesis. 

Has anyone had to be on Valium or some other med to keep your autonomic nervous system from freaking out? 

And my Dysautonomia doctor retired, so I am waiting to get in with a new one. I'm flying blind. 

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Hello @KiminOrlando - I have had different scenarios with colonoscopies before. Some turned out OK, without any problems at all, and other colonoscopies were bad ( seizures ). What they have done in the past is once I go to the GI lab for the scope ( and after the prep is completed ) they give me a whole liter of fluids before the procedure. I do OK with that. They stay away from the prep that requires tons of fluids and give me the one that requires the LEAST fluids, because I cannot keep fluids down. 

I do not need valium before the procedure, but once I was very anxious and they gave me something before an EGD, I think maybe Versed? 


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I had to cancel my last one due to the prep dehydrating me. Not only the prep, but they tell you not to drink any water for like 12 hours either. The Sjogren's/POTS combo didn't do well with that. That was a few years ago and still haven't figured out how to get through it and get it done. 

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I did ok with the prep solution, I don't remember the name but it was the one that did not require a lot of water. I did not do well the anesthesia (goofy juice) that my local health provider used (never again) My blood pressure tanked during the procedure (74/45) and i was really messed up for the rest of the day. Passed out a few times, kept falling and running into stuff.

Not sure where i am going to go for my next one.

I do well with the midazolam and fentanyl cocktail. 

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I have been dreading having a colonoscopy and putting it off despite the urging of a few of my care team. I know i will never agree to get one with my local health provider (bad experience) so i have been getting ready to have my PCP put in a referral to UW madison. So did a bit of digging into their services and discovered the have a virtual colonoscopy service available (very interesting). I am going to see if i can get one of these. it's noninvasive, i don't need a driver and no anesthesia is used.


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11 minutes ago, MikeO said:

So did a bit of digging into their services and discovered the have a virtual colonoscopy service available (very interesting).

@MikeO so, is this like a video game? Like: Inner Tunnels" or "Paths into the Underworld"?

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4 minutes ago, Pistol said:

@MikeO so, is this like a video game? Like: Inner Tunnels" or "Paths into the Underworld"?

Haha never know. From what i read they use some CT technology to produce a 3D image of the inside of the colon and uses software that was developed at the UWM system. 


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On 5/26/2022 at 11:12 PM, MTRJ75 said:

I had to cancel my last one due to the prep dehydrating me. Not only the prep, but they tell you not to drink any water for like 12 hours either. The Sjogren's/POTS combo didn't do well with that. That was a few years ago and still haven't figured out how to get through it and get it done. 

It is hard.  Thankful I did it bc cancer was found--which was a total shock since no one in my family has had colon cancer.  The prep for surgery was even more intense.  Fortunately it was very early stage.

I would suggest talking to your dr about getting iv fluids prior to the prep.  If it's really impossible to do it any other way, they should either bring you in early to get fluids or even hospitalize you and have you on fluids.  

They now recommend everyone get a first colonoscopy at age 45.  If I had the cancer would probably have been a precancerous polyp and much easier to treat.  Now I also have to live with the fear that the cancer will come back.

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I do agree @MTRJ75the dehydration from the prep would have been enough to get me back out of the procedure but i endoured. worst part of this was the anesthesia that was used. I never want to go thru that again. My Doc did approve and make a referral to have a CT Colonography done. I am thankful. Upside if there are issues found they will take care of it the same day. 

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Guest KiminOrlando

Didn't they have some kind of pill camera that you swallow and it takes pictures? Of course, he wants biopsies, so I know I am not getting out of this. He read that the POTS patient drank something called 'Drip Drop' and they were able to do it. I'm worried about my ANS overreacting and going into a spasm again, but he seems to have totally skipped over that. That is why I was in the ER.

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14 hours ago, KiminOrlando said:

Didn't they have some kind of pill camera that you swallow and it takes pictures? Of course, he wants biopsies, so I know I am not getting out of this. He read that the POTS patient drank something called 'Drip Drop' and they were able to do it. I'm worried about my ANS overreacting and going into a spasm again, but he seems to have totally skipped over that. That is why I was in the ER.

I know UW does the pillcam too just sure when it is indicated to be used, i think it looks at the small intestine. Even with this one still has to take some kind of prep.

Good luck with your upcoming procedure.

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On 6/1/2022 at 6:44 PM, KiminOrlando said:

Didn't they have some kind of pill camera that you swallow and it takes pictures? Of course, he wants biopsies, so I know I am not getting out of this. He read that the POTS patient drank something called 'Drip Drop' and they were able to do it. I'm worried about my ANS overreacting and going into a spasm again, but he seems to have totally skipped over that. That is why I was in the ER.

I've been told that this isn't as accurate. Some doctors don't like to use it, especially if you have a family history. 

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