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Can Mestinon cause blood in stool?


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You need to see your primary who will recommend proctologist aka colon and rectal surgeon to diagnose this. If you don't need a referral then call a local proc shop and make the appointment for whomever has the next appointment. Rectal bleeding is something that needs to be checked out by a pro.  You've had this a week so make the appointment to get it checked out asap.


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13 hours ago, Derek1987 said:

Now it's stopped. Lasted about a week and haven't seen any blood since. Shrugs.

And hopefully you won't again. If you do get it checked out. Do remember to discuss it with your primary to see if you need any changes to your diet so you do not trigger another event which will cause bleeding. 


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  • 4 weeks later...

@Derek1987 I used to have a lot of bleeding problems. Not just hemorrhoids. I had to eliminate all plants from my diet and go zero fiber. On an animal based diet the extreme bleeding has been avoided from hard stools. I think it is the stools being too hard and maybe also the muscles around the sphincter which are controlled by the autonomic nervous system that are not under your control not releasing well. So, removing fiber and soft animal food works.

As far as disability. How is that going? Do you live in the USA? You need to talk to a doctor and tell them you can't go into work anymore if you are just showing up and not able to do job because you are sick. You probably need to call out sick and use up your PTO and then call and schedule an appointment with your doctor for a visit because you are sick. Ask your company where the long term disability and short term disability policies are and put in a request with the insurance company after you talk to your doctor. 

I'm trying to remember. I think I met with my doctor and told him I had been sick out for a week and used up my PTO and needed to go on disability. He basically supported me then and then I called up the insurance company and opened up a case for disability. Then they sent the forms to the doctor.


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