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Adie's pupil and other episodic symptoms?


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When I saw this new doc the other day, he tested my pupil contraction with a pen light. He then showed me what my pupil was doing in a mirror. Sure enough. I failed the test, as my pupil only contracted slightly and slowly. Yesterday I told my dad, a neurologist, to take a look at my pupil reaction. Totally normal! I checked myself and my pupil was reacting just fine.

To tell the truth, I am not surprised because, with the exception of my jaw/neck pain, my weird tongue, and some fatigue, EVERY single one of my symptoms is episodic and mostly unpredictable. I am very thankful for this because it means I am not often overwhelmed with symptoms. However, it does make it difficult to figure anything out. I guess I'm "lucky" that something observable was showing up for a crucial 1st appointment! :P

Anyone else have this weirdness?

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My daughters saw a neuro-opthalmologist (I think that's right?) and he commented on the girl's eyes and said that sluggish movement (pupil dilation, eye movement, etc.) could be an indicator of mitochondrial disease.  Doesn't mean that's what you have, just throwing it out there.  Sounds like you are only sporadically symptomatic, that's great!  Best wishes!

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Thanks for your replies!

Dizzy, I have never been tested for mito, but my symptoms tend to be mild and/or episodic and I have been told that does not fit the profile, although my brother-in-law thought that might be my issue.

Mat, no, I don't think that physical exertion increases those particular symptoms. It does sometimes bring on joint pain for me. I actually have no idea how often my pupils do their weird thing. I would have to check them constantly, and that sounds like something I would have done when I was first Dx'ed but now not interested! That's just me. If it meant anything in particular I would consider monitoring it. Weird. It seems like that sort of thing would be constant, not episodic.

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The pupillary thing is fairly common in migraine and cluster headache I believe. I sometimes think I could put a lot of things down to a silent migraine.

I don't check my pupils constantly either, the visual effects mean it is completely obvious when something strange is going on.

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I did not feel like I had any visual effects the day it was observed. I actually have a migraine right now (wearing sunglasses and ear plugs indoors) so I will go check it out in a little bit. I have blurred vision sometimes but again had no problem the day it was happening. 

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