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Does stress make dysautnomia flare? My dog is really sick. She is 15. My parents and I have been worried about her all morning. They are a the vet now and she has a severe infection and may have to stay overnight. Took off work. The stress is making me feel sick. I have been crying all morning because we were worried about having to put her down but they took her to a different vet and they are going to try to aggressively treat the infection first. I have been so stressed this whole day. I always don't feel good when stressed and crying always makes me feel worse. I have been having G.I. issues with the stress too. and just feeling very exhausted from crying so much. So exhausted!  I have never experienced this much stress in one day. Does anyone else get like this? What helps you feel better? 

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Hi there,

I haven't been on the forum for a few years but I wanted to answer your question because I am going through the same thing right now.  YES stress doesn't just make dysautonomia worse, it can actually cause it.  This is what happened to me years ago.  But recently I have been having symptoms again since my husband passed away last October.  I was doing real well until recently, so it is scary.  I also have orthostatic hypotension so I know how that feels.  I practice yoga which has been extremely helpful but I still felt weak and out of it.  I increased the salt in my water and it is helping.  Please accept my sympathy about your pup, I am a retired vet tech.  Our dogs don't usually outlive us, that is what is hard about having a dog.  But 15 is a long life for most dogs.  We need to accept life as it naturally unfolds.  I am sending you hugs for a good outcome for your sweet dog, and I wish the best for you.



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Yes for me stress can cause a big flare. I also am experiencing a relapse and even though I solved some of the issues causing the stress my body now is stuck in that pattern. I imagine it will take me several weeks to start feeling myself again. Try to limit stress if you can and give yourself time to regroup. 

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Stress will make you feel more unwell and if too bad bring on a relapse. For me, this is where meditation has really helped calm my mind. I'm sorry you are going through a bad patch, but things will get better. I can barely remember over the years all the times I have stressed over life's events and made myself very ill. I work at stopping myself from getting that bad. Even listening to some relaxation music, lying down and concentrating on your breathing can help wonders. 

Take care. 

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