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Small Victory With Doctor


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My temp runs 97.1 normally. We have had many conversations here about what's a fever for us. On Thursday, my doctor actually acknowledged I had a significant fever (for me) at 99.2. I was quite surprised. That's a little progress. (Am on antibiotics and feeling just slightly better which isn't saying much.) Anyway, thought some would be interested in the fever acknowledgement.

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That is so refreshing to hear! Especially after my experience of a Dr telling me I caused my temp to go up to 104 just by thinking about it??? Hope you start feeling better soon!

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Wow, Ancy! That would be a lot of kinetic energy that you have under your control! Lol!

If you have that kind of deep mind body connection, then wouldn't you spend it controlling your HR and BP instead of giving yourself a fever? That was not nice of the doctor to say to you. I'm sorry.

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For sure lol! Wouldn't they just teach all us patients to get our bodies under control? Lol! Some drs I just don't understand... Thankfully it was a GP and because you can have your pick in Colorado Springs, I just switched drs, since I knew they were no longer interested in helping me. The GP I have now is great though and very approachable so in the end I guess it was for the better.

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Yay, Katie glad your feeling slightly better. You and I are 97. 1 girls! My NP thinks 99. is high for me, bless her heart. But she's one of the few who get it. Feel better soon :)

Ancy, I can't believe that doctor told you that you spiked your own fever. Goodness gracious. Did you ever see the movie Matilda? I bet you wished you could've used all that telekinetic energy to transfer the super glue to his hair dye! Anyone remember that scene? :rolleyes:

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Going out on a limb that may cause some disagreement here on this subject, but technically, a fever is supposed to be in response to and an effective strategy for helping kill pathogens that invade our bodies such as viruses and bacteria. It really shouldn't matter what your norm is if it's lower than 98.6 F. Your norm is not involved or a factor in this increased temp response to kill viruses and bacteria. Viruses and bacteria are on their own physiological temperature tolerance range, no matter who they're in. So, normal is still 98.6 degrees F. A temp is not considered a true fever in the sense of starting to be effective to kill off pathogens until it reaches about 100 degrees F. This criteria should not vary no matter what your normal temp is. Mine is normally low too, but I don't consider it elevated unless it's elevated to do the things that are effective for the point of a raised temp, which is above 98.6 degrees F.

Temps can elevate for all kinds of inflammatory reasons not related to infections but I still don't consider 98 or 99 a temp "for me" just because my norm is usually lower than 98.6.

I don't know if doctors just get beat down over this very prevalent lay person concept and give in to stop hearing constant insistence from their patients that their temps are high even in the normal or high normal range, or if they're not thinking of it as the true physiological mechanism it's intended. However, I do know some will say your temp normal matters as people here have reported.

I used to have this conversation with my mom all the time. After years, her Dr finally agreed, which she considered a victory in our discussions. She wouldn't even believe my physician ex husband on this matter either, who was an experienced board certified infectious disease control specialist.

So, have at me. Just consider my point please.

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I do understand why the medical industry has values to describe our elements, but I also understand that the values are not indicate of what is happening in our bodies. My temp is in the same low range and at 98.6 I feel the aches as tho pre low grade temp was 100.

I had a server Gi infection, that was eating thru my Gi tract, went to the ER due to the pain and 'feeling' feverish. My temp never spiked above 99. My white blood count was 22. Although our body tempature should tell us if a virus or bacteria it should be fighting causing the spike, it doesn't alway work that way.

I value the medical world, however if one thing I have learned is that they don't know it all and are always learning things they never knew or thought to be true.

Just like my POTS, even tho it has a name many Dr today just point to it being a mental disorder. Who know what they will say later...I think having numeric values obviously have a great value but it doesn't mean because mine don't match that I don't feel it. I think we can all agree to that

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Of all people, I certainly don't blindly believe all that physicians tell me by a long shot. Or science (and I'm a scientist). I work hard all the time to help find answers to or find better ways to be proactive about my health and problems. I'm plenty skeptical.

But the body's temperature range at which organisms normally respond to this natural mechanism to fight infection is pretty set in stone. I've had terrible infections where I never ran a fever at all. I had a terrible case of norovirus a few years ago. I was on the floor of the bathroom nearly unconscious for hours and never had a fever. I understand it happens. I just thought I'd mention there's a reason for the physiological fever standards that have nothing to do with our body norms. You all probably already realized that any way.

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Thank you for sharing this information. I have gone round and round with doctors regarding my daughter's "fever" that she's had since November. I am so glad that there is a doctor out there that can honestly say 'hey, I think your temp is higher than normal and that's not good - and oh, by the way, bet you're feeling awful'. There are times that I don't want to be told that story about it's not a fever until it's 100.1. Sometimes you just want the doctor to understand that you are feeling terrible. So glad you found that doctor!

Sending you some of my favorite imogees in hopes that it will bring a smile to your face and that you feel better soon! :wub::D:lol:B):ph34r::rolleyes::wacko:

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Hi peeps! Thanks for the thoughts and well wishes. What seemed to be a brewing sinus infection is gone so that's great! Unfortunately, I am still in a bit of a tailspin with some other symptoms. I think the infection screwed me up. So, I'm doing welcome messages for new members and reading everyone's posts but my brain fog is bad so I'm laying low on writing a whole lot. Thanks for asking how I'm doing. That means a lot to me.

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