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He Is Walking!


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Tyler started walking with a walker last week and Today he walked in the house without using it. He has made tremendous progress. He is exercising 4 days a week and using arm and ankle weights.

However, we have discovered that Tyler cannot come off his Extended Release Clonidine. We tried taking him off of it this last week and his blood pressures were high. So high that he had to skip his Midodrine dosage at night. He also stopped sleeping through the night but the worse part was some extreme OCD symptoms that he had never had before decided to show up. So the clonidine must be keeping norephrinphrne levels and dopamine levels down. We just thought it was helping with sleep but evidently it's doing much more than that. So Tyler may be HyperPots or he may have damaged dopamine receptors from the autoimmune antibodies that were caused by strep and mycoplasma infections. Here is some research about how dopamine receptors can be damaged by other illnesses.


To help calm the OCD symptoms down, I have been giving Tyler Inositol about every 4 hours during the day since last Friday. The symptoms are much better and the Inositol does not interfere with his other medications.Here is a study about Inositol and OCD.

EDIT Let's try this again and see if this New link will work.


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Way to go Tyler! So happy for you and your family. I just started walking again (with walker and assistance) about a month ago and know what a big milestone it is to get to this point. Praying for your continued recovery. God bless

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I fixed the link. So everyone should be able to see it. There are other articles online that explain how Inositol works in the body. It's also know B8 and was not in Tyler B complex vitamin. It acts as messenger in the brain that regulates dopamine, serotinon, and norephrinphrine levels in the body. Had I know about this supplement earlier, I would have rather used it instead of using Zoloft and the ER Clonidine. It has helped with several symptoms that popped up after I took away the Clonidine. It most likely saved us a trip to the hospital. I'm thankful that I was able to recognize the symptoms but had no idea the symptoms would come on so quickly. The research about mental health and neurotransmitters not in balance is correct. I would have never believed it until I saw it happen over night in Tyler.

Here is one more article about the anti-basal gangla antibodies. The researchers have found that patients that had these antibodies in childhood and had relaspes later in life. They believe the relaspes are related to dopamine hypersensitivity of chronically damage basal ganglia neurones. If this be true, then staying on the medications that help regulate these neurotransmitters maybe the ony way of avoiding a relaspe. Here is the link to that article.


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Tyler was on .3 mg of ER clonidine but was weaned down a dosage every 2 months. He was sleeping through nights even at 1mg. With the symptoms that popped up so quickly, I'm thinking he may be HyperPOTS. His doctor has mentioned this to us but Tyler has never been tested.

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