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What To Take For Sinus Congestion Other Than Sudafed?

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Hi everyone! I was wondering what you take to dry up sinus congestion? I have a sinus infection that gives me persistent drainage - and coughing - which is interfering with life. The last time I took Sudafed it made me feel awful (around the time of my POTS dx). I haven't really gotten this sick since then so my medicine cabinet is bare for this type of medicine. Is there another OTC medicine like Sudafed but without the heart rate effects? I've tried Benadryl which only sort of helped; not really. I saw phenylephrine but read it works by increasing norepinephrine like Sudafed, but I might try it. I'm also doing a nightly neti-pot and salt water gargle; lots of decaf tea. If you have any other tips on how to beat a sinus infection, I'd love to know that too! :)

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I find a bowl of hot water with vic in and inhale with a towel over my head helps.

Also washing the sinus out. I use a syringe with cooled boiled water take it through your nose and let it go down your throat and spit it out, it is pretty disgusting to do but I had to do this daily when I had my nose reconstruction

and was advise to this when I have sinusitis, I find it releases that sinus pressure.

Hope you feel better soon :)

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My go-to, if there's actually an infection present, is to use natural antibacterial nasal sprays, like grapefruit seed extract spray (nutribiotic I think is the brand I use) or oregano oil spray. For me, anyway, they seem to be really helpful at clearing an infection up faster than antibiotics/decongestants alone.

Other things that help congestion for me:

- Mucinex (just the guaifenesin, not the one with added decongestants)

- Sinus rinses (Neil Med, neti pot, and plain saline sprays throughout the day - usually I find 3-4 times a day is helpful)

- Breathe Right strips (I LOVE these)

- Eucalyptus essential oil or Vicks VapoRub

- Steam treatments like dancer65 mentioned

- Cayenne pepper nasal spray (this works amazingly well, but is too intense for me when I'm having a POTS flare).

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Hey sideofsalt, hope you're feeling better now. If the sinus congestion is still an issue at all, I've actually had surprisingly good luck with regular ibuprofen (if that's something you tolerate). Don't know if this would work for everyone, but I find it not only helps pain but also cuts down the inflammation enough to relieve some of the nasty congestion as well.
Hope things are still on the upswing, and you're getting some relief...sinus infections are miserable buggers :0

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I use a neti pot rinse every day, as I have allergies plus nasal dryness. I also use Afrin once in a while, just for two or three days. Sometimes that's enough to get you through the worst part and then using nasal irrigation (with plenty of salt to counteract the congestion) can keep it down. Good luck!

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