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Anxiety For No Reason?


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I feel really weird today. Just super disoriented, severe brain fog and feeling weak and anxious. My anxiety is so high for no reason! I think my brain fog might be contributing to my anxiety. When i feel brain fog I get anxious and My brain fog has been really bad all week. Could it be allergies? I don't get stuffy nose with allergies. I get more the asthma coughing but that has been fine this past week. I went to the doctor yesterday and I didn't tell her about the brain fog because she is my new doctor and I didn't want to overwhelm her because i had other stuff to discuss. I had some clicking and echoing/vibrating in my right ear and she said there was fluid in my ear. Could fluid contribute to brain fog and anxiety? Could it be the weather change as earlier in the week we had a tornado warning and it was warm out and now here on friday we have a freeze watch and its freezing out? Could that cause flare ups? I just hate that I am feeling worse and have no answers!!! Has anyone else felt like this? What helped you?

Also I noticed that some foods make my anxiety worse.Some foods cause irritability for me as well. Like cereal and high carb foods. anyone else get that also?

Sorry for this long spiel but I am just frustrated and want to get back to normal.

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Hi Artluvr. I am so sorry that you feel this way. I know the feeling and it is awful! This is what I would do:

Eat salt and protein.

Drink a ton of elctrolyte drinks and water. I also drink tea but that may or may not be good for you. If you don't know that it soothes you then this is not a good time to experiment.

Listen to soothing music and spend some time outdoors watching the birds or the bugs or whatever.

I hope that you feel better soon!



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Thanks :). Starting to feel a little better. I had tuna sandwich for lunch and it seems when I eat tuna I have a little bit clearer brain. Plus i mixed salt in it. and I filled my half gallon water bottle with gatorade and am trying to drink the whole thing :). My doctor is going to have me get a basic metabolic panel lab testing to see my electrolytes. Then i see her again in 4 weeks and hopefully everything will be good :)

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i have troubles with anxiety also..at mayo they found my norepherine levels to be 1275 i believe in a normal person 400 is high...(don't quote me been long time since i looked it up) ..they finally put me on klonopin and it droped to 725 which is still high but better..i think pots messes with a lot more things than they realize..my anxiety is better i still have some bad days..plus when my heart rate decides to race it increases the feeling of my anxiety..constant battle to keep everything stable..yeah right i dont think i have had a stable day in over 10 years..i guess as stable as we can feel...i tried some of the newer drugs but due to sensitivity to meds the side effects were horrible.. the klonopin which has been around forever worked the best and no side effects for me..good luck best wishes

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Hi artluvr, I have been experiencing almost the same symptoms since the trees started releasing pollen a couple of months ago. It took me a little while to figure out why I was having adrenaline surges and anxiety for no apparent reason. My skin allergy tests came up negative for trees, so I am not classically allergic to the trees by me, and my doctor is scratching his head. After adding flushing and tachycardia to my list of symptoms, my doctor approved increasing my Singulair dosage which is starting to help. In my case, I certainly am having allergic-type reactions in an environment where I am not classically allergic to them. Hayfever symptoms are not as bothersome right now. This has started me down the mast cell activation path, and I'm hoping to see a specialist in the next couple of months. I too was already taking Zyrtec, but all of my symptoms have broken through that as well. Benadryl got me through a couple of rough patches but I'm trying to save that as my rescue medication. It's always good to have something to go to! I highly recommend looking into a low histamine diet. Oh - I have also used Prilosec occasionally and for short courses to get me through some rough spots with stomach distress but it has a delayed reaction. I hope you feel better.

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