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I Stay Cold Much Of The Time


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When I'm in a flare I am perpetually cold. Last flare we were in a heat wave here and there I was on the sofa with a comforter up to my chin, hands and feet cold the whole day. Course I also had barely any appetite and hardly ate - that wouldn't help the being cold issue! My TSH is always low which means my thyroid is running just fine. Don't know if your hands just being cold would qualify as Raynaud's or do they have to be blue or whitish as well?

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My hands and feet are actually the only thing about me that stays warm. If I continue to stay cold for 30 minutes or more I begin to have cold sweats and that is miserable. I have to change clothes since I am so wet. This is really strange since in 95 f degree weather I never sweat since people with my problem never sweat from heat. I will look up Raynaud disease since I do not know anything about it.

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Very low vitamin D levels can cause this symptom. Have you had these levels checked lately?

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E. Soskis describes how I often feel. I'm nearly always too hot -- been diagnosed with ERYTHROMELALGIA, too -- but sometimes I'm freezing cold. I can go from waking with skin burning hot as well as feeling too hot internally on one night, to waking a couple of hours later in a cold gross sweat and I have to get up and change my clothes. i often have faster heart rate witih the feeling of being too hot. But pulse rate is fine when I'm too cold. On the list of pots symptoms on this site you will find temperature dysregulation listed as a symptom. You could try suggesting Raynaud's to your doctor. Some people find treatment that helps I think.


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