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Started Beta Blocker Today, Loss Of Vision


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What BB are you on? Did you lose vision for long?

I dont know it your BP ever drops low but when mine gets real low (and many beta blockers would drop my BP too low) it causes me to black out but only for a second and then vision is back immediately. Sometimes things just go dark and come right back (grey out) but doesn't go completely black. This is just what happens to me. Your symptom may be different and it is probably a good idea to call your doctor and let him/her know about this. You wouldn't want it to happen while driving, that used to happen to me all the time driving. Very scary.

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Low dose of propranalol. First I noticed my peripheral vision was gone r side only, then it seemed to to be distorted like 3d. I've never had this happen before...I found it out that it happened when i started the med.was unlike when i stand up and get lightheaded and dizzy. Only other sx was that I was disoriented.ive stopped driving :( trying to find drivers for the kids to school... Very hard.

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I started Coreg not too long ago, and I didn't have the sight loss side effect, but I did have A LOT of side effects from it. More tired than usual, headaches, increase dizziness, etc. Sorry that you are having such a bad reaction to the Propranalol, but I do hop that the side effects decrease and that you feel better soon!

Best Wishes,

Fainting Goat

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Put a call in to cardiologist. I'm their first pots patient... So I feel like I call a lot.. Don't get a lot of phone calls back. Feel like i wait for my face to face visits.Haven't taken today's dose. My hr hasn't been over 115. Which is a good pots day. Ah trial and error. I noticed my heart rate was lower all day overall... My husband asked do you feel better? The best answer I could come up with was to compare it to having bronchitis... You take cough meds to suppress the cough but you still know its there and still have other symptoms. Scared about stopping/ starting meds.

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Bigskyfam, I am sorry you are experiencing this side affect. I also take propranolol and I had gone thru trying at least 5 or 6 different beta blockers before finally sticking with this one so it can take some trial of different meds sometimes. It did take me about a month to adjust to propranolol completely with tons of dizziness and lightheadedness. Couldn't stand up for more than few seconds. All the low bp issues but my body did adjust to it. I think calling your doc is a good idea so he knows your side affects. I hope your vision is better today!

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Honestly other BB's I had only given two weeks or so because I would have those really low BP's and symptoms. When I saw my EP cardio who knew a lot about POTS he switched me to the propranolol (after a hospital stay) and told me it was an older BB but has success for many POTS patients and wanted me to give it at least 6weeks and not give up on it and not miss a dose. He felt my body would adjust to it and it would work. Well he was right it works great for me. I'd same the worst of the symptoms lasted about 3 weeks and then by the 2 month mark I had no side affects at all.

Of course this is just me, I dont know what your doc may suggest. I hope you find the right one for you too :)

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Check with your dr. I would be careful as to stopping and starting the beta. Some drugs you can do this with, but usually not betas. If the dr is not responding you can also ask your pharmacist about meds/side effects.

Was the BP measured on your cuff or at the hospital? Sometimes the home cuffs don't measure correctly. I am surprised that a beta would cause your BP to jump that much. Betas are supposed to stabilize BP, and tend to lower BP.

I have never heard of loss of vision, that is scary.I am not sure what dose you are on, but you can also ask about starting with a smaller dose.

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Was manual bp by doc. Smallest dose. The doc in call said discontinue after the 2 doses. Scary to discontinue scary to think about taking it again. Yesterday my Bp was running about 120/80 all day off the med felt better. Few spikes in hr. nothing over 130. That day I took the meds it was spiking well over 150 and I didn't feel well

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