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Muscle Soreness

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Hello all,

Hope you are all having as symptom free day as possible.

I have a question about muscle soreness after exercise. I must say that I'm not the most consistent person in the world and I haven't consistently exercised in over a year, other than to walk with my son around the block periodically.

Anywho, yesterday he and I had a grand time playing Wii Sports. We only played for about a half hour. We bowled, played tennis and boxed three rounds. All in all, spent about 10 minutes with each game. Today, I feel like I've been bench pressing a semi! I am so sore. I was wondering if any of you go through this? I could halfway understand if I'd done weight lifting or some other type of heavy exercise, but the Wii, really ?? I think this might be part of the reason (other than pure laziness on my part) as to why I don't exercise regularly, even doing 20 minutes of yoga, again on the Wii, tends to make me sore for days.

Just wondering if anyone else goes through this. I know that since I don't exercise regularly and I'm using muscles I don't normally use would most likely cause some soreness, but seriously, I got out of bed this am and could barely walk. Feeling a bit better now that I'm up and moving around though.



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I get sore from the slightest things.

Stirring the butter and egg into a cookie mix sends me into excruciating pain of the forearm and wrist. It actually feels like I sprain my wrist trying to stir.

Yes it makes it difficult to exercise in the first place this is not in your head.

I got sore just from operating the disability scooter from holding back the lever that makes it go.

I feel like I need to wear wrist braces because my wrists feel so weak.

I tried exercising with the exercise bands and after just a couple repetitive pulls it had negative cardiovascular effects.

I just am not sure what we can do that would help keep our strength up without aggravating symptoms.

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Thanks girls.

Good news...I'm not alone :) Bad news...I'm not alone :(

I don't know if I have EDS as no dr. I've seen has suggested testing for it. I just went to my GP recently and made some suggestions and voiced my concern that something else might be going on (didn't mention EDS though) and got nowhere. I've done minimal research on EDS, so I really don't know if I'm a canidate or not. From what I remember, skin is thin and/or pale (not my case), flexible (I've always been quite flexible, but just thought that was normal; most people can put their ankles behind their head and do a split on the spot without warming up, right? :blink: ), stretchy skin (not my case). So I don't know.

I'm not exercise intolerant, and don't really have tachy issues when I exercise. I'm really quite lazy and just don't like feeling so sore after doing so little. I think I'm going to try to be more consistent and see if that doesn't help matters.

I've also had arthritis-type issues over the years, ie: injuring wrists, ankles, toes that later give me problems at times.

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Have you been tested by a Rheumatologist? You could have something else, such as Fibromyalgia or RA...I would look into it. I'm on Gabapentin and it helps with the soreness. It's almost as if I have the flu, but I don't. It's actually nerve pain for me. I have Fibro.

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I get muscle soreness and twitching (fasciculations) after I work out, even though I am getting pretty good with my workouts at this point and building a lot of strength. A lot of my non-dysautonomia friends have similar issues so I try not to give it much thought. My boyfriend's brother is a personal trainer and helps me out a lot and has also told me that even "healthy" people get very sore even from slight activities sometimes, just depends on a lot of factors.

I think that consistancy does help though, at least for me. Also I get more sore when I do too much upright exercise. So that could be part of it. From what I recall you have to do Wii Sports standing up, so maybe that is a factor in it?

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I have been getting Accupuncture to help with the muscle aches, I also do Yoga twice a week even though my POTS doctor thinks I am nuts for doing Yoga. I just opt out when it is too much up and down. I think the Accupuncture has helped. I am always tight an my muscles never relax. The Yoga keeps me somewhat flexable. The Accupuncture also helps my GERD.

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Thanks guys,

Still sore today, but I am going to try some Yoga and maybe play with my son again hopefully to loosen up.

I haven't seen a Rheumy, I don't even have a regular cardio. I am currently being treated by my GP but he only has a limited knowledge of POTS. Just saw another dr. in his office recently and she wouldn't even entertain the idea of testing for anything else. I've got to get back on with it and begin my search anew for a dr. that can help me.

As far as the standing up part, I usually don't have a problem with that. Before I got sick, I used to be fairly active, walking, running, cycling, yoga, weights, but since all of this started, I've steadily gone downhill, plus I'm fairly lazy which doesn't help either and so much of the time I just don't feel all that well, so working out just doesn't make the list these days. I really just need to get off my duff and be consistent, even if it is only 20 minutes a day on the Wii, anything is better than nothing.

I did do acupuncture a while back, but didn't do it for very long as my husband's schedule got in the way and because I rarely drive, I had to stop. Don't know if it would've helped had I been able to stick with it.

Thanks again,

Be well,


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Stretching is key, too, so yoga, MarkA, is great for that. I've always been extremely stiff, even before my diagnosis...I used to go to a class, but I also do the elliptical twice a week, walking my dog, and it ended up being too much, and then I ended up with tendonitis, so I have to be careful. :)

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I'm happy to report that I did 18 minutes of yoga on the Wii this am and then later in afternoon played with my son on Wii Sports for about 20 minutes :) We'll see how I feel tomorrow. I'm attempting to turn over a new leaf...we'll see how that goes :)

Hope everyone is as well as can be expected!!

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