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Depersonalization/derealozation... Dream State?

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I've been pretty potsy lately. I've also been having feelings that I'm in a dream. Like things don't quite feel like they should.

I've looked that up and all I could find is anxiety. But I don't feel anxious. Like... At all. If anything I feel the opposite.

Anyone else deal with this?

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Yes. I get this feeling. Almost like I'm floating through my experiences and like what I imagine it feels like to be "high" from narcotics. Except, I don't really know what that's like because when they give me morphine or dilaudid, I don't feel it at all. I also feel at those times like my reflexes/reaction times are a fraction of a second behind my thought processes. I'm also pretty brain foggy during these episodes which makes me think that these episodes have something to do with cerebral perfusion. I usually experience this sensation as an early symptom of a presyncopal episode.

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Yes! It's one of the sypmtoms I hate the most because it scares me. Usually it happens when i'm in a really bad POTS flare and can't eat/ sleep normally.

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I have been told that is considered "presyncope" and I get it pretty frequently, although less frequently now. It was hard to identify at first because rarely does it lead to actual syncope, but I guess its just sort of like an "aura" that happens with migraines. Definitely my scariest symptom though, its a hard one to just fight through

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YES! I used to get it a lot when I was a teen (nobody knew then I had POTS). It would throw me into a panic attack because it was so scary to me. I get an episode here and there now, but not often like when I was young. In the list of symptoms on the Dinet Website, they have listed "a feeling of detachment". I feel detached alright! I know it isn't any of my meds doing it because I wasn't on any meds as a teen when that started.

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