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I apologize if this has been discussed before.

Does anyone get these odd feelings? I am getting these feelings of warm almost burning feelings throughout my body.They are not muscles or on the outside. At first, I thought it was acid reflux. It was this odd coursing hot liquidy feeling in neck/throat, and chest and upper ab. It was off and on. It sometimes feels like it is pooling where my throat and chest meet, but only for a minute or so. But then I noticed it was happening in my leg and face and arms.

It does not hurt but, it is uncomfortable and unsettling. I am also not hot or sweaty with it?

Any ideas on what the heck this new symptoms is? And what to do for it? Oh, and in the past I would sometimes get a little bit of this feeling in my lower legs when I walked, but it was not exactly like this, and wouldn't happen as much.

Only thing I have done different lately, got my vitamin b12 shot late last week.



Joann, I've been dealing with similar sensations. I don't get it so much in my legs and arms but in my cheeks, ears, and digestive system. My face sometimes flushes and actually gets warm to the touch. My digestive system is the part that's really been bothering me. I actually had an episode of this last night. I was awake most of the night with burning that started in my stomach and literally felt like it was spreading through my entire digestive system. I also had tachycardia. I did a little self-talk and convinced myself to just go to sleep and it would be better in the morning. It is better, but I feel wiped out now!

I'm sorry I haven't found anything that actually helps with this. H1 and H2 blockers have helped with the actual flushing and cold sweats I sometimes get with these burning sensations. The burning itself hasn't stopped though. I'm going to bring it up to Dr. Goodman when I see him at Mayo next month. I'll let you know if he has any suggestions!


I have not been tested for mast cell, but it seems to be at different parts of my body at different times. I have never had it to this extent, but today it is happening very often. It doesn't hurt it is more disturbing than anything. I don't want to be crass, and its probably TMI but I even have it my private area, it feels as if I am/had urinating. Off and on in leg, face, neck, chest, throat, tiny bit in arms.

I think it started the other night, but I didn't realize it. My thumb started to have that feeling you get when a blood vessel bursts.

Aimes, I am like you, I am trying to self talk that it will be better, by morning. Just can't figure out why I am having this new symptom and hoping it doesn't morph into something else.


When this first started I had what felt like a pouring sensation, mostly in my chest area. It was scary and I hadn't been diagnosed yet, so I had no clue what this feeling was. Looking back I wonder if it was pooling? I was telling the Dr. in the hospital it felt like I was bleeding internally. I'm sure I sounded crazy, but that's what it felt like. Is it like that at all?


Not really. It feels kind of like warm oil is pouring in certain areas. Warm oil, or bile, but its not bile because it is not just in digestive area. It doesn't seem to have any pattern really. Its not on the skin, its inside and it isn't the muscles. It feels like it is coursing thru, I know it is not the veins or arteries but that is what it kind of feel like.

I know it makes no sense. Just another weird symptom to worry about!

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