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Is This Normal, Lexapro?


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I've started Lexapro last night only 5mg, but didn't sleep very well and this morning I'm feeling very anxious, lightheaded, have diarrhea, headache and dry mouth. I wasn't expecting this on such a low dose. Never tried SSRI, but after a long discussion with my GP, he convinced me to try it.

Is it normal to feel like this on a first day and such a low dose of Lexapro.

Thank you.

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I'm not positive but I think so. I know there are tons of potential side effects and of course depending on the person is who gets what. I feel fortunate that I never experienced a lot of them, I was on 10mg. It's definitely possible for these things to occur at that low dose and so soon. It's foreign to your body and in addition, you may be sensitive to meds or this one specifically. I bet they will go away once your body becomes accustomed to the new chemicals. Hope you feel better.

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Hi cma,

I had a similar reaction to citalopram - another SSRI (I took 10 mg a day- lowest possible dose, per my dr). I was told it's 'normal' to react the way I did and that usually these reactions wear off in 1-2 weeks. Personally I couldn't handle it so I stopped the med day 7.

You know better if you're willing to put up with the side effects and for how long.



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I have been on lexapro since I was 17 for anxiety (I'm 25 now). I know everyone is different, but I feel like that is not a normal reaction, meaning, it might not be the right SSRI for you. Yes everyone reacts differently but I have never heard of someone needing to "get used" to the SSRI and needing to wait for the side effects to wear off. If your body is reacting that way perhaps you need a different SSRI. Before I started the Lexapro my doctor had me on Celexa and I had a terrible reaction to it...nausea, heightened anxiety, claminess, shakiness; I wound up in the ER because I was dizzy, sick to my stomach, and short of breath. My doctor took me off celexa and started lexapro which my body likes a lot better...but only if it is the name brand. The generic brand gives me nausea and stomach pain. When I told me doctor this he immediately wrote a "no substitutions" note on my next script.This is just my experience, but my doctor doesn't think a person should have to deal with side effects like that from an SSRI. Talk to your doctor, you shouldn't have to feel worse to try and feel better.

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The generic brand gives me nausea and stomach pain. When I told me doctor this he immediately wrote a "no substitutions" note on my next script.This is just my experience, but my doctor doesn't think a person should have to deal with side effects like that from an SSRI. Talk to your doctor, you shouldn't have to feel worse to try and feel better.

It is entirely possible that this is due to excipients or dyes that are only in the generic form. From experience here on the forum and from my research, I am finding out that there are a lot of things that one can be sensitive to if the genetics fall in certain ways. I'm starting to wonder if it at all underpins my sensitivity to so many of the meds out there. I can say that I know some of these unneeded ingredients will definitely set off people with MCAD. So this can definitely be limiting as to what meds may work for some of us.

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My experience with lexapro was terrible. I took 20mg on day one and felt nauseas, fever, dilated pupils, elevated heart rate. I was rushed to ER where they were in disbelief my HR would not come down for days. I was admitted and here I am. It's what lead to my diagnosis of POTS. The same medication doesn't work for all of us. My doctor said he suspects serotonin syndrome so SSRIs are out for me.

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Definitely could be just from starting up. Search this site and a site called crazymeds. I know that starting up was horrible for me. My POTS went through the roof, but after 2 weeks, needing a benzo to settle me down, I got used to it and started to see improvement. It is very common.

It is important not to do too much at once. Wean up. But you can still expect side effects.

Good Luck!


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Thank you guys for your support and replys. I'm feeling better today, so I guess it will take some time for my body to get used to it, as most of you say. I'm taking it at night, this is what my doctor recommended and in the morning I'm feeling more anxious than usual, but then everything settles down and I'm feeling a lot calmer. So I guess I'll give it some time and see, if this med is for me.

Thanks once more for all your input.

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If you search on this site, I have talked extensively about the start up side effects. They are not pretty, but they go away. Unless you are having a severe allergic reaction or your no and hr are way out of control stick it out! The first two weeks are the worst. I had severe anxiety, to the point I couldn't sit, sweating, pupil dilation, and tons of other crazy symptoms. They all were completely gone by week 4. I saw major improvements with lessors. It was a miracle drug for me. Good luck and remember it will pass!

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If you search on this site, I have talked extensively about the start up side effects. They are not pretty, but they go away. Unless you are having a severe allergic reaction or your no and hr are way out of control stick it out! The first two weeks are the worst. I had severe anxiety, to the point I couldn't sit, sweating, pupil dilation, and tons of other crazy symptoms. They all were completely gone by week 4. I saw major improvements with lessors. It was a miracle drug for me. Good luck and remember it will pass!

Yes, i probably was on too high a dose. Im on effexxor now, low dose.

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