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How Does Stress Effect You?


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I am under extreme stress. I have 2 daughters that are very ill that I am taking care of ontop of being sick myself.I feel that I am starting to have more problems, more physical pain and motility is getting worse.

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Stress makes ALL my symptoms so much worse. My POTS and my Migrains. All my Dr. say to have a life with less symptoms I need to have a life with less stress.

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I can't get a break at all. My youngest is very sick and require constant care. The last few days I have been having a terrible time keeping my blood sugar up, getting very tired and feeling so weak. gastroparesis is real bad too. headaches, body pain...especially neck pain and hip and lower back.

I wish we had some kind of support but no family willing to help. My daughter has special needs and since her birth family just backed off. It is just me and my husband. My husabnd is a fireman and is gone for 24 hours at a time and home 48.

I was in the hospital with my daughter a few weeks ago and after 2 days ( was recovering from the flu too)..I collapsed. feel that coming on again. I just can't do that right now, afraid of when i do crash and what is gonna happen to my daughter and her care.

Just so worried and tired.

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Can you afford some temporary care? Maybe you could hire some help to get you over this hump. Having someone else take over for a little while just till you get your bearings, could be a tremendous help.

I don't know your situation but I do know that others on this site have done that from time to time. And in my own case, my poor husband did the housework for two entire years. It is important to give the body a respite.

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Stress makes everything so much worse - and it does not have to be negative stress - just stress in general - I wish I knew the secret to living "stress-free" but, alas, I don't. Fatigue can heighten my perception of stress. I try to remember this: HALT! (hungry, angry, lonely, tired) - If I am experiencing any of these, I halt and take a step back before I completely lose my cookies!

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