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Stress Test


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I went to the ER last week due to what I thought was the flu. They did 2 EKGs that both came back abnormal. They then did bloodwork to see if I had had an acutal heart attack. It was normal but they said to contact my dr. So, called my cardiologist and he ordered the stress test with dye. I am worried. Just feel awful all the time. So tired,gastroparesis is a mess.I am wondering if the 2 years fo barely eating and dysautonomia has caused damage to my heart.

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Thanks for the support. I was a bit dehydrated the dr. told me. Was under a tremendous amount of stress too with daughter being so sick, me being sick and lack of sleep.The PA never said exactly what was abnormal with the EKG. I was so out of it, extremely exhausted, I didn't ask. Was glad that bloodwork was normal. But called my cardiologist when i kept getting pain in my jaw and chin. Plus BP is high again, but gets low sometimes too, mostly at night and early morning.I had a stress test when I was first diagnosed with dysautonomia, 2008. Never had the dye injected before.

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