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Getting A Tooth Pulled


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I had a root canal done before I got this flare and never got back to have the cap put on so of course the tooth is infected and rotting now so I have to go and get it pulled on Monday. My question is has anyone ever had a procedure like this done when they are in a flare I don't know what to expect, I have a tooth pulled before when not in a flare and it was fine but I am so sensitive right now to everything I don't even want to take the antibiotic. UGH!!!! I think having a Pots flare is bad enough why this to?????

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I am in a similar situation with wisdom teeth. One has partially erupted and is trapping bacteria. I'm just trying to keep it really irrigated right now, but it will need to be done eventually. Its not good for your immune system to have toxins in your mouth, so I would just ask for anesthesia without epinephrine. Explain your situation and have someone go with you. I'm trying to get stronger before I have my amalgams, wisdom teeth and crown done. If you read a lot on root canals, cavitations, amalgams, etc. A lot of bio and hollistic dentists believe the root of chronic illness can be linked to the mouth. I happen to believe them.

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I had all of my wisdom teeth out at once (ugh) after my diagnosis and they didn't want to put me under because of our anesthesia issues and because of all the medications I was on. I would just be careful with what they give you for the procedure. I had a dermatologist recently stick me with local anesthesia without a lot of warning for a biopsy and I think even that caused a flare for me. I would just make sure to ask them about the anesthesia and if you can handle it, go without (I find it actually never works properly on me anyway so I get the double fun of being stuck with needles and still experiencing the full procedure). Good luck!

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I had a flare when I had regular local anesthetic for an emergency root canal. I've had a reaction to topical anesthetic that they applied before doing an injection, too. The best thing in my experience, although I still wasn't completely symptom-free, was non-epi injection anesthesia with no topical beforehand. They said it would wear off quickly, but for me it actually lasted much longer, just the one dose lasted around 5-6 hours. I think my inappropriate nervous system response to the usual jitters about going to the dentist is partially what always makes me feel sick during and afterwards. Good luck! I find it helps if I promise myself a treat afterwards, like a banana milkshake :)

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Would suggest some prep before the procedure including IV saline and Anthistamines before as the extra volume would help reduce symptoms and the dental work will likely release extra histamines that could easily be combated w an over the counter remedy. (I have major flares w dental work and this is my game plan)

Also, there is an article to give to your dentists on the dinette research tab That might help them better understand POTS. Here's the link to the abstract.


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This may be unrelated but i think that it was a pulled tooth instead of opting for a root canal that may have set my POTS into motion. I also had a tetanus shot before that time. I think most of us would be amazed to find out exactly how we contracted it, it would solve a lot of puzzles.

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I hope things go well for you. I haven't had dental work done since the onset of POTS, but I have had local anesthesia for a biopsy and everything went ok with that for me. I was actually surprised with how well my body handled it (and I couldn't handle much of anything at the time). I was still using a wheelchair at the time for appts and I had my usual 2 day recovery from the outing, but the anesthesia gave me no adverse effects. I think the antibiotic is a good idea to help with the infection as Ashelton mentioned already, mouth infections can be bad if untreated. Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones among us that feels better when taking antibiotics. It does have that effect on me and that effect has been talked about on different threads.

I hope everything goes well & I'm sure it will be a relief for you to have it done! :)

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