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Hearing Changes/ear Pressure On Standing?

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When I stand up after sitting for awhile I get dizzy and then get a pressure in my ears and my hearing gets weird; I can hear everything, but it's like it's far away or the volume has suddenly been turned down. It seems to subside after the dizziness does (seconds, or longer depending on symptoms).

Anyone else get this? Any ideas what might cause it?

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I know exactly what you are talking about...I get it all the time.

When you sit/stand up your heart has to work harder to pump blood up to your brain due to the effects of gravity. In "normal" people, this reflex works seamlessly and you never notice a decrease in cerebral perfusion. However in those of us with autonomic issues, this reflex can work more slowly, hence the dizziness from a decrease in blood flow to the brain.

The hearing problem is even simpler. Your internal carotid artery (the main artery that supplies your brain) passes through your skull within millimeters of your inner ear. When your heart is trying to "catch up" and pump harder and faster to get blood up to your brain, all you can hear is the pullsating blood in your carotid artery.

I hope this makes sense. Basically, it is all a completely normal compensatory mechanism that everyone has. The only reason we can feel it is because ours is slowed down and therefore more pronounced.

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I use to have this sensation a lot before I started working out. I describe it as part of my Pre-syncopal feeling.. Like right before you pass out your hearing fades out.. I would get it bad after I worked out, then drove home, I would get out of the car and stand up.. It would be really bad.. Almost to the point of hearing loss for a few seconds. Now I don't get this sensation

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Thanks, squirrel. That's helpful. I'm also glad to hear I'm not the only one, though I wouldn't wish any of this on anyone. I do work out, quite a bit, so in my case that doesn't really seem to be an issue. I do notice it's worse when the weather's bad, esp. if we have a low front (as we have the last few days).

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  • 7 years later...

Wow I’ve been dealing with this for years, iv’e taken lots of antibiotics thinking it was sinuse problems. It’s good to come across this sight. My life is virtually non existence , I can’t do any thing. Pryor this I was strong and full of life a landscaper by trade. Now I only sit.anyone nave a remedy. Boulderstone

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On 7/8/2020 at 3:18 AM, Allanpreston said:

Wow I’ve been dealing with this for years, iv’e taken lots of antibiotics thinking it was sinuse problems. It’s good to come across this sight. My life is virtually non existence , I can’t do any thing. Pryor this I was strong and full of life a landscaper by trade. Now I only sit.anyone nave a remedy. Boulderstone

I've had this pressure in my ear from standing for about a year. Initially I thought it was my ears playing up but for me it almost feels like the bloods not getting to head quick enough and that's why I get this whooshing sounds. Got constant ringing in ears as well

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9 hours ago, Nin said:

I've had this pressure in my ear from standing for about a year. Initially I thought it was my ears playing up but for me it almost feels like the bloods not getting to head quick enough and that's why I get this whooshing sounds. Got constant ringing in ears as well

@Nin - I get this sensation when standing up too quickly. It was explained to me that it is caused by circulation changes in the inner ear and can also be accompanied by dizziness. It is caused by a sudden drop in BP. 

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Yes, for the past six years after C. diff and Meniere’s. I get pressure in my ears sitting and worse when standing and my permanent tinnitus gets louder. It feels like my ears are full of pressure. I use to have a high pitched permanent ringing, but after Meniere’s it changed to a fairly loud fan with wooshing sounds intertwined.

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  • 2 months later...

I’ve had the same thing for over a year. I would get the muffled loss of hearing and it would come back after about 10 seconds. It was more and more frequent until it seemed constant. Weird as it sounds, I now think it may have to do somehow with my lower back. I would stretch my lower back by doing a slight squat and pushing my back side out and figured out that would trigger it. I’m gonna get it checked out. I’ll update if anything is figured out. 

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