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Lowbp And Brainfog Days, Dizzy Days, Low Pulse Pressure Days...

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Lots of questions, all kinda related to when low blood pressure meets something *extra* (stress, or I don't know what). I have low blood pressure, often 90/60. I am often ok on the combo of meds I've been on for years (for seizures, hypothyroidism and adrenal insufficiency), but there are times (once, for months on end, which is when I was diagnosed with dysautonomia by a cardio) when I have significant problems that I think are all related to blood pressure. So here's a bunch of questions...

1) I have had two episodes of significant brainfog, where I was doing stuff I couldn't remember doing, and couldn't remember to do what I was doing. Very, very scary. One of those days was two days ago, and the episodes are accompanied by dizziness and nausea. I monitored my bp Tuesday, and it was low; and walking upstairs wouldn't increase my systolic, only my diastolic and heartrate. Even sitting was too much (nausea and lightheaded), and I had to lay down to feel better. My guess was that blood was not getting to my brain sufficiently, but how could I tell that for sure? And dh asked how can I tell the difference between a mini stroke (I'm in my 40s) and hypoperfusion...? Except that I felt better on Wed and better still on Thurs.

2) When I have dizzy days, how can I tell if it's dysautonomia if I already have low bp? Again, with already low bp, it would be *really* hard to have a significant drop. I don't get increases when I stand, and my heartrate increases (as compensation). I feel better exercising (well, not this week as I'm kinda walking on egg shells waiting to see how I feel each day, but usually!), and I read that certain kinds of exercises raise the systolic, so maybe that's important for me? So I'm wondering, too, why my systolic is so low and if that's part of my problem on a daily basis.

3) Also, anyone know if having low pulse pressure is a problem? Since my bp is low, and my systolic doesn't always respond (didn't on Tuesday), with increasing diastolic, it can get very narrow. At bedtime on Tuesday, after climbing the stairs, it was like 12. I have had bad nocturnal episodes in the past where I wake up in the middle of the night gasping and then start shaking. One time I quickly checked my bp and it was very narrow like this (with very high heartrate); I thought maybe the episode was in response to an adrenaline surge that was in response to the low pulse pressure (shockish).

Thanks for thoughts! I haven't been able to find a specialist in my new state and don't know who to talk to about this. Luckily, I'm not working so not under stress, so it's not a problem every day, although I feel better laying down than sitting :( (I reduced my cortef earlier this year, and there may be a correlation)

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It's funny how we're often thinking about the same things. I'll have a thought or question and then come on here and find someone else has posted about it. On Monday I was feeling really BAD - racey, adrenaliney, dizzy.. one of my worse days. Took BP during peak of misery and it was 74/58 HR 123, pulse pressure would be 16 right? I do think pulse pressure correlates with symptoms. Sorry I don't know what it all means, but just wanted to validate what you're saying.

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I actually spoke to my home nurse about this yesterday......I am lucky she finds my illness completely fascinating and has become a great ali for me ;) anyway she said its more the narrow pulse pressure that makes me feel so horrible rather than the BP and HR,,,,,I can have normal vitals but my pulse pressure will be very narrow.....I can actually feel the constriction in my body. Does anyone else actually feel the sensation of narrow pulse pressure? So yeah I totally sympathize....

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Usually a pulse pressure below 20 is considered low. It means the heart is not perfusing the body properly. People with chronic heart failure often have low pulse pressure. In our case our hearts are fine but not enough blood is returning to the heart to ensure adequate circulation. In my case it is due to severe pooling. Low blood volume can also cause it.

I have the same thing where I get days or a set of days where I just can't seem to get off the bed ; my pulse pressure would be below 12. My doctor started me on Florinef to help with this. Florinef didn't really help me with pots in the past but I did not look at what my pulse pressure was then so maybe it will help.

I am trying to figure out what causes these spells. Usually it happens after I have been up and more active than usual.

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