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Cooling Towels- Has Anyone Else Tried Them?


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I was sitting in the waiting room at the doc's office and they had one of the morning shows on TV. In the segment they were testing good summer products and showed a towel that stays cool once you wet it. They said it stays cool for up to 2 hrs. This heat has been so awful- even in the ac somedays it feels too hot, so I was intrigued! The brand they had on tv only seemed to be available online but I found another brand in a chain drug store and bought it.

The one I bought definitely does feel cool/cold (but not for 2 hr's :mellow: ). I haven't really been able to go in the non-airconditioned parts of the house since it got really hot... and I would love to be able to take the dog out without feeling like I'm going to hit the ground. I've tried it out the last few days and although it's not like being in the AC or anything, I think it does help. Seems to give me a few more minutes in a hot environment than I would normally be able to tolerate. Plus on a day like today when the AC doesn't even feel cold enough it's really nice to use inside.

Just wondering if anyone else had tried them, and if so what you thought? I had never heard of them before seeing that segment last week. There seem to be three different brands and was curious if anyone found one they thought worked better than the others.

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Guest headhunter030

I have seen them, but never tried. I tried going outside with ice packs; didnt work. However, Misters (Misting Spray) is the greatest invention ever. I can sit out on a 90 degree day and be chilly. Obviously it only works on my deck, and you cant read with it, but it is great.....and the misting fans (although expensive) are also awesome.

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Good to know about the misters! I didn't know you could buy them for "personal" decks. I've only seen them in large commercial applications. I have used ice packs a lot when feeling over heated and it's nice but then I start to feel too cold in that one spot while the rest of my skin still feels over heated. So far I've liked the towel a little better because it's just something I can drape around my neck, head, arms, or legs and let sit there without feeling frozen. Although... that's with not being super overheated to start. I think for those situations where I'm already very overheated I'd still prefer the ice packs.

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Guest headhunter030

Yeah I still burn up with ice packs. The misters you can attache to a hose and then just bend it around your chair. And you can sit it back so the mist barely hits you if you are cold. My wife even likes it; and shes not screwed up like us....I say politely haha

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Thanks for the link MarkA- that looks like it would be really good but definitely out of my price range right now :(. The towel is helping tonight when it's still 90 outside and the ac units have been struggling to keep up all day. Definitely 15 dollars well spent.

If you get the vest I'd love to know how it works for you! :)

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Hubby and I actually survived two hours at a horse show using a spray bottle! It was 100 degrees in the shade and we just kept spritzing ourselves all over and it worked. I was amazed at how something so simple could be so effective. I haven't been to a horse show in ages and it was so much fun!

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I bought the vest, wrist wraps, bandana and hat and they are AMAZING !! Thought I had MS- was Heat Intolerant for whatever reason. Bought these and I was able to be outside for around 2 hours (didn't try longer-too afraid) they didn't evaporate, kept me cool and if I had had the strength to squeeze out the vest better I wouldn't have gotten wet at all....Really worth it

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Haven't seen the cooling towels but I use the bandannas. They help . When i go in my own backyard I just soak myself under the hose. I dont' care if i'm sopping wet it helps.

It also helps for me to use a mister when I go out. I take a cooler with ice packs and bandannas and the mister to keep wetting myself. It doesn't help if it's ridiculously hot like over a hunderdd. I'm better off staying in then . MY car has no air conditioner so I would get so sick if i go out in that heat even with the cooling items.

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