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Balance Issues?


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I have seen balance issues noted in several articles about POTS but I don't know that they are a particularly prominent or frequent issue. I know we've discussed them on this forum before and had quite a few people mention them so hopefully you'll get more answers. Personally I have them at times. Like all my symptoms it seems to be a problem for periods of time and then not be such an issue.Overall I'd say my balance is generally worse than it was. I taught yoga before I got sick so had much better than average balance in the past. Not the case now.

My balance issues seem to be more about being "tippy" at times so that I lose my balance when I turn around in the shower or turn a corner while walking. Sometimes I find myself walking like I'm on a boat or drunk with a wide base of support but not sure if that is because I feel off balance or just feel so weak that I find it easier to walk like that.

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I recently "failed" a bunch of balance tests. Part of my balance has to due with EDS and very flat feet. I was also told that being non-active for so long my muscles are weak (mild atrophy) which does not help balance. Pt really wants me to stregthen my leg muscles to help with balance.

What has helped me is taping my feet, getting really good sneakers, not pretty ones :(, and if I go out walking I have my husbands arm for support or push the shopping cart at the grocery store for support.

One dr offered me custom leg braces and another offered a walker. My doctors/Pt have fought over do you give your weak muscles extra support so you have better balance and less pain and walk more or will braces/taping cause muscle atrophy in the long run? Right now I tape or use a generic leg brace if Im going out for more then an hour(my big fear is faliing in front of my kids) and use nothing around the house.

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I go through periods when I could easily pass a balance test and then other times when I'd fall flat on my face just trying to walk the straight line. Reaching up (for example, to a high cupboard) and bending my head back to will cause me to feel ill very quickly, I would lose balance but I feel so bad so suddenly that I stop straight away. As long as I don't persist my body rights itself pretty quickly.

This was actually a good post to read today because my balance is off in another way, amost like vertigo (I've had vertigo before so I know what it's like). I started to get dressed to go out and just putting on my jeans sent me into a bit of a spin. Stopped trying, got back into my pjs and am not going anywhere today. Head feels like it's buzzing now and I immediately got a breakthrough migraine -- luckily medication fixed the migraine -- sometimes it doesn't.

so housebound at the moment. I have to get out and get my life back. I feel like I'm starting to slip back to where I was 6 years ago -- prior to diagnosis. I keep telling myself it's just a flare but it's turning into a mighty long flare.


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I guess I am not alone in the balance issue. Once I am standing for a few minutes anything can happen. My balance goes, I get nystagmus, my vision is blurry, tremor, and a funky head. Kinda makes it hard to get much accomplished.

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On and off - when there are no balance issues I can amaze my PT with how long I can stand on one leg. But then sometimes I just wobble - like others here, especially with sudden turns or changes in direction. And I trip on things all the time, which is unfortunate - thankfully all the bad tripping episodes after the first (where I fell and chipped a tooth) have occurred while holding someone's hand, so I haven't fallen since.

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i used to have great balance, well that is when it was at its best, it was great :D But i would suddely have balance problems or not so great balance. Now it depend greatly on the day. I use wheechairs alot so, but walk at home as much (or more) that my body can handle. But my great balance is gone.

And how it is at its best i dont know really. Not great, maby ust ok :rolleyes:

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