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Guest tearose

Hey thanks there pal M! Sure can't sneak any tests past you!

My echo is at 5:15pm and my 12lead ekg right afterwards. With the cardiologist himself!!!

We usually go over everything right then and there. I'm looking forward to a good report card and then tapping his brain about the article about "heart break" and effects on the heart!

thanks for caring,

warm fuzzies back at you, tearose

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Guest tearose

The medical profession never ceases to amaze and disappoint me!

Good news: The cardiologist did the echocardiogram. The fluid around my heart is nearly all gone. The muscle looks good. The valve is no worse. The use of antibiotics is recommended for dental cleaning and otherwise is optional.

Crummy news: The nurse does the EKG's now and she went home at 5:30...so I have to go back tomorrow or next week for that test!!!

So, his view on the heart break study out of Hopkins... He has seen this in his practice. These people present with very severe symptoms that put them in intensive care units. The heart is obviously in serious shape when these people are seen. He was not surprised by the study but found it validating.

that's all my news, I think I hear a cookie calling my name...


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Guest Julia59


I'm glad to see your ECHO came out OK---and I hope the ECG will turn out good also.

I'll be thinking positive thoughts---and praying for a good outcome to all of this.

Chocolate is it for me too---can't live without it.

How about this--------------->

Chocolate chip cookies made with (smart balance) spread. Just the regular Smart Balance. It's heart healthy and makes excellent choc. chip cookies! My family loves them! I use the recipe on the nestle toll house choc. chip bag.

Or how about brownies with choc. chips!

Use pillsbury traditional brownie mix, make it like the box tells your too, except use healthy safflower oil in the place of reg. oil. Add almost a whole bag of nestles choc. chips. I bake of about 23 minutes in my oven @ 350 degrees. They are a big hit everywhere I take them. People think I did something special----but I didn't----- :o

Both are easy to make---even on a bad POTS day.

Your still dealing with refined carbs-----but at least healthier fats which lower LDL and raise HDL cholesterol. In moderation---not a big deal----------------- :)

Julie :0)

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Guest tearose

Thanks for all the baking tips Julie...that is so "sweet" of you... :o

Jill, I like chocolate too!

Amy, the pericardial effusion seems to come and go in me. It is one of those things I refer to as my "funkities"...things I deal with and try not to make a deal of.

I first showed the effusion way back in 1992. It is possibly the irritation of the flluid sac due to exertion beyond reason OR due to the fact I have a structural condition where my ribs are very close to my heart. (pectus excavatum) OR may be secondary to the dysautonomia stresses. I also think having lymphedema effects the amount of fluid around my heart but I have not had the energy to try and do a personalized study on this. Again, I have to choose how to spend my energy points!

I just heard from the cardiologist that I am welcome any time today at my choice to go in for the ekg. Ah, progress! I just want this check up to be done so I can focus on my new exercise and health improvement plan!

hugs to you my friends, tearose

PS: Oh yes, Dawn I love oven baked creamy rice pudding!

...why don't we all go over to merrill's and bake some rice pudding and chocolate chip cookies in her sparkle brite clean oven!

We'll send care packages out to Emily and all our other peeps!

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Hey TeaRose

Sorry I haven't been keeping up as well with posts lately. I'm glad that your tests came back fairly positive and the antibiotics are a great safety blanket of prevention.

I too was glad to see that article and it is finally validating. I'm glad they are making head way :)

All of this talk about food is making me very hungry, ok I was already hungry but it's making it worse, so I'm off to the kitchen for some chow. You guys are always bad when you start talking about sweets like that :o


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