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Update on Emily/Dancing Light


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Hi, all. I got the following update (and OK to post) from Emily's mom today--I think it may have been sent to family and friends, updating everyone on Emily's condition post-gallbladder surgery. If you post a reply, I'll make sure that she gets your message!

Keep a good thought,


Note from Renee, Emily's mom:

The road to recovery from surgery has hit some unexpected bumps in the road. Since a week ago Sat. (Jan 29th) Emily has been too weak to do anything more than get out of bed to pee and to sit in her recliner. We were frustrated trying to get any help locally and ended up paging the specialist at Johns Hopkins last Sun...He has been awesome and we are s-o-o grateful to have him helping us. His guess was that Emily was malnourished b/c she was still having digestion problems and losing weight and that she had a urinary tract infection from all the times of catheterization in the hospital. After starting antibiotics on Sun. nite and getting the prescription food supplement he recommended on Thurs., she still was not doing well and she paged him again on Fri. He got her started on IV fluids and she is doing them every other day this week. We are hoping that by the end of this week there will be significant improvement --she will be finished with the antibiotics, which also upset her tummy, will have had 4 days of IV fluids and a week of food supplementation.

She will also have had lots of "watching" by Asher....He is so-o anxious and he doesn't know who to watch or what is happening...Yesterday after a particularly upsetting day on Fri., he threw up a couple of times!!!! Just what I needed!! However, with the sun shining and temperatures more like spring than winter this weekend, he did get his first walks since 3 weeks ago and he seemed to be happy with that. It felt good just to get outside a bit.

Fri. was a crazy day, b/c I had asked the doctor I saw for accupuncture on Thurs. for some pain meds and he gave me some samples that ended up making me too dizzy to get out of bed on Fri. morning. So-o-o we had a house of "dizzy" and "dizzier"....Every time I tried to get up to get something for Emily, I fell back into bed....Poor Asher....he crawled up on the bed in-between the two of us!!

Emily wants you all to know that she misses you and prays for all the wonderful family and friends in her life. Right now she is too tired and weak to be on email (the computer has gotten a long rest) or to chat on the phone with you, but she has enjoyed all the wonderful cards she has received. We've put them up all over her bedroom and den where she can look at them all the time.

The specialist at Hopkins said he has seen this happen before and that in 6 months Emily will be very glad that she had the surgery....the gall bladder was definitely causing a lot of problems. So while the recovery is going to be longer and slower than expected, we hope things will start to improve somewhat this week.

Thanx to all of you for keeping in-touch and keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

Love to all from the house of dizzy, dizzier and wild child.

Emily, Renee and Asher

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Thanks for the update on Emily. This slow recovery must be getting really old. Hope she starts feeling better soon and gets to her baseline.

Best wishes and thoughts for a speedy recovery to Emily, her mom, and Asher.


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Guest tearose

Thank you Merrill!

Hello out there Emily. Keep resting and healing! You are missed but we all have extended your "leave" and know you will return when you are ready!

You three, Renee, Asher and Emily, take care of each other!

More healing wishes and hugs, tearose

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Guest Julia59


Please now you are in my thoughts every day hoping that you feel better soon.

Thanks for the update----I look on potsplace every day to see if anything is posted regarding your recovery.

Still praying for you----keep resting. It will take a little time to recover from what that nasty little green monster did to you, but you will end up feeling very thankful that old green thing is out of your belly.

Hang in there---I know it will get bettter.---------> :P

Julie :0)

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Hello Emily, I know this time must be exhausting for you--that naughty gallbladder sure was kicking your butt! I hope the IV's are helping you to recover better than you were for the past week or so... I hope you're eating normally soon too.

Big hugs, Nina

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Hi Emily,

I'm so sorry for all the bumps in the road. I have thought about you a lot and keep you in my prayers. Keep watching good movies- funny ones if you can - as they say "laughter is the best medicine". In spite of everything- this slow recovery, etc. it sure sounds like you indeed will feel so much better than ever once some time has gone by. Feel better really soon.

Sending hugs,


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You are in my prayers each day. You are such a trooper. I know that your faith, determination and wonderful sense of humor will pull you through this. :D We miss you and can't wait to have you back on the board with us! As the old saying goes, this too, shall pass. :P

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