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Brain Fog - This Might Help Us


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  • Please note my last post on this - - -DO NOT TAKE THIS. (This is an edit.)
    I just read a very interesting article in the new Life Extension that I got today about a form of magnesium called magnesium-l-threonate (MgT) it boost brain magnesium and helps with brain function. It is the only magnesium known to cross the brain barrier and also go into the spinal cord. It works on the NMDA pathway. (Which I've figured out, in me, is wonky.) It boost animal function of memory by 100% in older animals and 122% in younger ones. Not only did it increase short-term memory, but really boosted long term memory. It is being used in post traumatic stress syndrome and helps blocks bad memories by blocking the return of old fear memories in the pre-frontal region of the brain. It helps with synaptic density and plasticity in the brain.

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Oh, also - because I've been a member for years - I can talk to any of the doctors on staff about anything and they will give me suggestions based on natural supplements available. I'm also getting PQQ. You can look that up too. If you go on their site you can read some of their articles on what things do and how they work in the body. Their articles have lots of research and data to support what they are talking about.

I also, asked them if they'd write an article about dysautonomia and put a plug in for us to get more research going. They asked me to write a note and submit it and they would consider looking into it and possibly writing an article for us. Yayyy! Let's hope they do.


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This looks interesting. Thanks. I was reading up on threonate and it said it was an enzyme that allowed

the magnesium to cross the bbb. Do you know what else might help magnesium cross the bbb ?

They told me that part of what helps it is Vit. C. So don't know what else. Will let you know when I get it.

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I don't want to sound like an old stick in the mud but metals tend to have a bad track record in the central nervous system. It is possible to grow new neurons in the brain through a process known as neurogenesis. A dose response relationship exists with aerobic exercise, where people who walked an hour 3 times a week for a year grew their hippocampal volume by 2%. Projecting further, if I you jog and take mercury free fish oil supplements you can probably expect 4-6% growth. New neurons are also thought to be more effective than old ones because they haven't been exposed to oxidative damage and other poisons from the environment.

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I know that magnesium is/has been helpful for MS patients and the study I read is remarkable. It really looks like it might work. I'm also looking into PQQ. I'll post about it later.

There is only one way to find out . . .try it. I'll be the guinea pig - it will be here shortly. We try all these prescription meds and they just drug us up and help some things and create issues in other things. Don't see this as any different - with our trials.


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I do hope it helps! my only concern is with other metals like mercury and lead having toxic effects. Now magnesium is actually needed in the body, just like iron so I doubt it's going to be as toxic as mercury or lead. It's just you probably don't want it to get too too high. I guess it's like everything else, heck even water can be dangerous in excessive amounts.

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I take Magnesium, B Complex, frequently, and Flax seed oil every day. I was put on Flax seed for my dry eyes, years ago, and found it helped with blood flow (I bleed easily), which is good since strokes tend to run in my family. Increased blood flow helps with a lot of things, including circulation to the brain; I also know the flax cushions your joints, is good for digestion, and softens your skin and hair, so there are many benefits. I talked with my neurologist about the magnesium lowering your blood pressure, and he said it wasn't enough to cause concern, but maybe those who have low blood pressure problems or OI should be aware of this, too. I am amazed at all the things I had been doing even before being diagnosed, but that was definitely my nursing knowledge, listening to my body, and answered prayers, when I was sick without an accurate diagnosis for so many years!

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I asked if this type of magnesium would be enough to help with muscle cramps and relaxation and the typical things magnesium is usually used for. They said it would not - you'd need to take the other types of magnesium for that - this is to help with brain function and nerve conductivity. So, it sounds very promising.

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  • 3 weeks later...

DO NOT TAKE THIS. I figured out this is what has been causing some of my issues. Only took this today and it caused the chest pains, numbness in face, slurred speech, brain fog, panic feelings. I called the Life Extension people and told them about my issues. They took note of it and what supplements and meds. I'm on said they may be back in touch with me to document possible reactions with medicines and other supplements.

I'm glad I figured out some of the problem. Just took a bunch of allergy meds to see if it will counter-act this. I was so afraid I was headed into a very bad place. I hope this is all there is to it.


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