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Finally Rode The Scooter At Walmart-Success!


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I finally worked up my nerve to ask for a scooter.

I went late at night about 9 when I usually see about 3 lined up and also aisles aren't heavily crowded.

It's so fast!!!

It made me feel more normal because that was the speed I was used to doing things at.

It made me functional I totally loved it and feel in my case m hang ups were actually holding me back.

Well I have to be honest though this summer I was to weak for even that so?

But I loved it.

I maybe issuing a statement about it on Facebook so friends and family won't be shocked if they see me and I am on a scooter.

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I'm glad it worked out for you! I definitely enjoyed the few times I went shopping and used one. I just do have the "hang-up" issue about using one--it is due to years of hearing family members making comments about other people "not looking handicapped" and using the handicapped services. I need to get over that. Like someone else said about taking back the power from the illness, I need to take back the power of worrying what family members are thinking about me and my illness!

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I'm so glad that helped you, lieze! That's wonderful to hear! Shopping has been incredibly difficult (some days impossible) for me the past year and I wonder if that would help. It's just so hard to get through a store when I feel like I'm going to fall over and crash into people or a big shelf of stuff! It's hard for me to get past hang-ups about what I "need" now, especially since others can't tell why I need assistance, but I'm so glad you did this and were able to feel functional again--that's a great feeling! :)

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Okay What I did to compensate the last year was go to drug stores.

They are so expensive.

A couple dollars more per item sometimes,

Well it got me by I don't mean to complain but it's not logical.

If I can go to walmart if I am healthy enough to sit and ride the scooter why pay more money just so that I can be on my feet.

It is illogical for me.

The parking thing I need to do next.

I might see if my hubby will take me while he's off for Christmas break both to the BMV and my doc to get it signed.

She has no clue how disabled I am this is gonna be another indication to her that I am not as okay as I may appear at any given moment.

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Congrats Lieze! It is so wonderful to hear you feel functional. It makes you feel like you have some of your life back. Just to let you know, there are grocery stores like Giant Eagle that also have scooters to use. I called around all the local stores where I live in Ohio including the mall and found there are alot of stores and the mall that have scooters. It is great to know they are so accomodating. I highly recommend getting the parking plague. It makes a huge difference being able to park close to the store especially when I am feeling extremely tired and weak from shopping. Good luck & hugs to you. :)

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I finally gave in and used the scooter at our local wal mart, too. I know how you feel, I try to avoid eye contact because people have said I don't look sick....I want to say, just check my heart rate and blood pressure and you would understand....oh well.

It means the difference if I get to the back of the store or not....and of course all the things you need are in the back.

I too went to CVs and the dollar store a lot just because it is less walking. Drive throughs are great, too.

One of the best things the cardiologist did for me was to fill out the papers for the disability parking tag...it has meant the difference if I go into a store or not. Just walking far from a parking lot, will mean I won't get very far in the store.

In fact today I had someone say that I didn't look sick....I said well watch me walk for a while and you will know.

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In fact today I had someone say that I didn't look sick

That's my fear! I guess because my body doesn't handle ANY stress whatsoever. So, if someone said that, I would get an adrenaline surge and then feel like fainting.

That's probably why I avoid eye contact also when I used the scooters.

I can't IMAGINE people saying that! That is just awful that people judge when they have no clue about a person's life.

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Good for you Lieze! I had a bad day last week and my husband pushed me around Walmart in the wheelchair the next day. We live in a very small town so everyone was like.. . "What happened to you?" It was embarrassing so I don't think I will do it again unless it is an emergency. I did find out that I can do all af my shopping on line at walmart and then just go pick it up in a few hours so I think I'm going to try that.

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Congrats Lieze,

that's a big step. I used to own a cart and it took me a long time to get over the stigma. Actually, I'm not so sure that I ever did but I used it anyways. When I started walking normally, ataxia, I stopped using one all the time but now I've noticed that if I use one, I feel much better. It just saves us some energy ...

I hate those slow huge carts tho. I had a smaller one that could really go fast if I wanted to. I keep checking out the small ones online thinking that maybe I'll do that again ...

take care ... d

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I applied for a Handicapped Parking sticker last year and began riding the scooters in the large stores as well. After huffing and puffing and nearly passing out several times in those large stores, I decided that my health was more important than my pride. I must say, I'm not the world's best driver of automobiles and 12 months later I'm still a horrible driver of the scooters. I'm absolutely horrible in reverse! I literally almost knocked down one of those standing displays in the aisles at Kroger's. I'm really dangerous. I've gotten a lot better, but I still warn people to watch out when I motoring down the aisle.

Two things I've learned about the scooter. If I'm having a bad breathing day due to tachycardia, I still can't go to the store by myself. If I have to get up and down to get items off a high shelf, my heart rate will sky rocket by the time I'm half way through the store. Secondly, I never leave the house without a drink. In the beginning, I would take a can of caffeine free coke. Well, I learned real quick that I needed a drink with a screwable cap. Some scooters have quick starts and the liquid will spill everywhere, so don't be stupid like me, take a drink with a screw cap!

The Handicap Parking sticker has been a lifesaver! In Kentucky, at least, I didn't have to fill out any paperwork. My doctor filled out a short form indicating that I was handicapped ( the form didn't even ask for the type of handicap) and I took it to the Division of Motor Vehicles and I was given a Handicap Parking sticker, no questions asked. On the rare days that I am having a good heart rate day, I don't use it. However, if I'm having a bad breathing day due to tachycardia, I have no problems using the closest handicapped parking place nearest the door. During XMAS season; however, don't expect to find too many empty handicapped parking spaces at the major stores or malls though. However, my sticker has allowed me to shop longer in the mall where there are no scooters because I was able to park so close to the store. Heck, last year, I was able to park near the front door at the Final Four in Houston to watch my beloved Kentucky Wildcats because of my Handicapped Parking sticker. Otherwise, I would have had to walk for blocks and blocks and climbedd several ramps to get to my seat. So the Handicap Parking sticker is very beneficial and necessary because, afterall, we are disabled!

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