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Morning Symptoms Do Any Of You Have These ? Picture Of My Drooping Eye As Well !


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I'm wondering if anyone uses those things they use in the hospital on the legs to simulate walking to prevent blood clots while your sleeping.

The reason I say this is because each and every morning I wake up with so many Head Symptoms in addition to body symptoms.

Can someone tell me why I am aching from head to toe, up and down my spine, and inside the brain right out of bed.

I'm sleeping soundly, and then I begin to squirm about the bed. I realize I'm clenching at the teeth, but I'm still half asleep or more. I want to keep sleeping, but my head starts killing me in the temples and it feels like the pain is going right through my brain. It's like an Anxiety in the head so bad that I have to just get up and get moving. No choice to sleep in. Otherwise, I sleep like a log before all of this begins.

I get up and get a cup of coffee to wake up. As I'm walking around, my feet/ankles are killing me with pain. They are stiff and soar as are my legs and my spine, shoulders, arms, and neck. I don't appear to have any pain in my joints, this is all muscular.

I have had POTS now for 4 years, but I have never ached like this. The head stuff is progressively getting worse. Maybe I'll get some answers from the ANS Dr. I see Monday, but curious who else has this.

The Morning Anxiety is also a big issue.

Lastly, my eyes are killing me and my right eye is drooping out of bed and leaking tears or some other kind of fluid. Not even 2 hours after moving around, my right eye is much better.


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That is what my eye looks like I think!!!!

I just took at as a sign that I am not aging well I should take a pic but I don't know how to post.

I don't think mine is drooping as bad as yours?

But my eyelid has that same look to it.

See I just turned 45 so I just thought my goodness do I ever need a face job!!!

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I don't have a droppy eyelid, BUT my left mouth edge droops when I get up in the morning. It used to get better as the morning went on, but lately it seems to be noticeable all day(slightly).

I asked my neuro about it last year, and like Leize, I told him I thought it was just from getting older. He said no, but didn't offer any explanation for it. Maybe our cranial nerves are affected in our sleeping positions??

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I get a droop in my eye similar to this when I get a really bad migraine. But, since you have a history of Lyme, has the Lyme specialist checked out any pics of this symptom, since Lyme causes Bell's Palsy which can look like this as well? Also, a lot of what you are describing still sounds like the pain I experienced with tick-borne illness. I don't know if you had a chance to look at the links I included in response to your first post, but if you are any where near MD, it might be worth visiting Dr. Shoemaker. I have not personally seen him, but he has a protocol for people with chronic Lyme/post-Lyme syndrome that has gotten some good press.

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Yes, I also suffer from the Head and Body symptoms that you describe. Many mornings I awake with a pounding headache in the temples, eyes and at the back of my head. I suffer from horrible migraines, so I attribute it to my migraine problems and take a Relpax and drink some coffee and that generally helps with the pain.

As for the body pain, I suffer from modereate/severe fibromyalgia and there are times my whole body aches from my neck to my toes. It is always muscular pain, never joint pain. Sometimes I don't even have to move to be in pain. Sleep is frequently disturbed. Tramadol helps with that type of pain.

Recently, I have suffered from a moderate/severe pain disorder that affects the upper epigastric area and my lower back. Lately, it has centered on my lower lumbar region. My Pain Specialist ordered a MRI of the Lumbar Spine and, though some mild defects were detected, nothing was noted that could be causing the severe pain that I am experiencing. My doctor suspects neuropathy and I'm currently taking narcotic pain meds deal with all of my pain issues. The meds definitely help with my sleep and coping with the pain during the waking hours.

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Ive had ptosis (medical term for droopy eye) since January 2007, I get it in one or both eyes. Mine can get so bad that I am left with no sight, my eyebrow drops and so does the corner of my mouth. Ive taken my blood pressure when this happens sometimes its normal sometimes its low.

My drs originally thought it was myasthenia gravis, well actually they said bells palsy first.... but as the lower lid didn't droop it doesn't fit Bells palsy (with bells due to the lower lid drooping you can't close your eye, with mine I can't open my eye).

We (my drs and I) are still no further on in understanding why I get this, most Drs outside neurology believe its bulbar MG, neurologists say it isn't MG, my GP currently believes its my fluctuating blood pressure that causes it.

I have a picture of myself with ptosis on my blog and its very similar to yours.

I can wake up with ptosis or I can develop it during the day. Most days my eye lids look lazy! lol about once a week I end up with one or both eyes shut. Either rest or mestinon resolve it.

Thanks for sharing I am glad Im not alone with the droopy eye symptom!


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