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Massages....who Gets Them And Do They Help?


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I know this question may be vague but I was wondering who gets massages and if they help or make things worse?

I came across this blog from a massage therapist down the street and was curious http://woodstocktherapeuticmassage.com/?s=autonomic

Kind of funny how a massage therapist wrote this but I can not find a doctor in the area who can explain anything about autonomic disorders!!!


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I have wanted to Liz and the cost is what has held me back.

I think it could be therapeutic.

I have worried about what others would think especially my parents.

I can just hear them now saying I lay around all day and then go pay money to get back rubs!

I really think it could help though.

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My cousins wife is a massage therapist and so is my cousin and a really good friend.....never dawned on me till now but I am going to ask all of them their opinion and see if they learned anything about this in school. I know I will get the truth out of them. None of them would mess with my health if it were dangerous. Even if it doesn't help, it would still be relaxing and we all need that :)

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I don't know about helping with BP and such, but I have a wonderful massage therapist who works wonders on my neck and shoulders! I have constant aches and tightness there, and after a massage I literally feel lighter :). She thinks it's because massage encourages oxygen flow to the massaged area, so it's pulling oxygen back up towards my head. Plus anytime I get to lie down when I'm out, it's a definite plus! :)

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I have had three medical massages and there is no question in my mind that they have improved blood flow to my head. I decided to do this because during PT for fibromyalgia the trainer found extremely tense neck muscles (no big surprise) and his treatments really made me feel better to the point that my head felt clearer. So I followed up with the medical massages and I haven't felt lightheaded since I started them. He also told me that sometimes insurance will cover so they will fill out a form if you bring in an Rx from your doctor.

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Massages are awesome. If you are sensitive in certain areas, you can ask the therapist to skip them. I am tight in my neck and shoulders. I think loosening up the knots helps improve my circulation. At my worst I also used to get them every two weeks. Now I don't have time b/c I work. I go to a Chinese place that honestly gives the best massages around for a very reasonable price.

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