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Tight Band Around Throat


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Over the past several years I've had episodes of feeling like I have a tight band around my throat...kind of at the "adam's apple" level, or near the thyroid area. It comes and goes and I've never been able to identify what causes it or what it was related to. However, with all the MCAD questions floating around these days, it's made me start wondering if it could be a "mild" form of anaphylaxis? Anybody else have anything like this? It does make it a bit harder to swallow and breathe, but I don't feel wheezy like an asthma attack. I keep finding myself reaching up to try pulling a tight turtle neck sweater away from my throat....but I'm not wearing one! Nothing touching me anywhere near my throat. Don't think it's anxiety as it's happened during yoga classes when I'm very relaxed and calm and I'm not a particularly anxious person in general.

Any ideas??

(I have suspected an MCAD type reaction associated with my POTS, but don't think it's the cause of my POTS. Rather, when the POTS is uncontrolled, I have nearly all the symptoms on the list for MCAD. I'm supposed to see a mast cell specialist at Mayo in a couple of months.)

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I am assuming that you've had your thyroid checked? I was hypothyroid after my second child, but it resolved and my TSH and T4 are normal now, but I have a "globally enlarged, firm, rubbery thyroid." I can feel it, I can see it and so can all my docs. I get the same tight feeling and absolutely cannot wear collared shirts or turtlenecks.

I wouldn't be surprised if it is found that we all have some kind of mast cell reaction though.

I just read that you also have GERD, do you also have a "slow swallow?" My Dad had severe GERD and he would get a tight throat feeling as well.

Edited by firewatcher
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I have that exact same feeling, and also wonder about it. Just to complicate matters, Dr. Francomano tells me that many EDS patients also have swallowing issues due (they think) to brain stem compression or occult tethered cord. As sugartwin says, I think we have lots of doctors out there looking at the same elephant from different angles.

It does get worse when I have distinct anaphylactic episodes, but I think when that happens I may actually be layering one throat constiction feeling over the other. The ongoing annoying one may be due to chronic low-grade anaphylaxis, a rubbery thyroid, GERD, EDS-related brain stem issues...but it definitely gets worse when the throat constriction due to anaphylactic-type MCAS stuff kicks in (clear as mud, eh?). So Julie's right, it might be worth seeing if and how much anti-histamines help you - they seem to help me with the worsening of the throat constriction during flare ups, but I still have the ongoing annoying tight turtle-neck feeling, especially when I lie flat on my back.

I know what you mean about it seeming like bad POTS leads to mast cell reactions. I keep wondering about that too and we have discussed it on the MSC thread as well. It's possible that POTS is caused by something else and it often accompanies JHS, but then when it gets really bad it causes mast cell activation symptoms. On the other hand, we my have excessive mast cell activation going on all the time that is only expressed as POTS symptoms, except when it gets really bad and is clearly seen as flushing, anaphylactic symptoms, etc. A third option would be POTS caused by some unexplained source interacting with a separate but co-existent mast cell disorder, causing a snowball effect and really bad POTS.

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Thank you for this post. I couldn't believe what I was reading. I have the exact same symptom and it has been bothering me off and on for years but recently it seems worse. I have had two prior EGDs and I have been on Armour thyroid for a year, but structurally I am told there is no problem. I haven't mentioned it to my new PCP yet because I am just SICK :angry: of seeing doctors right now. I am seriuosly considering the possibility of MCAD as well.

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Well, I'll give you my thyroid perspective. I had Hashimoto's for many years, probably 15. My thyroid got to the point that it wasn't huge, but rubbery, as some of you mention. I would have off/on times of feeling like I was being choked--my old GP(he was in his 70s, so he was old), told me it was "globus hystericus" or something like that. I looked it up later and was fuming! It implies that we are just creating this problem because of anxiety! Anyway, I would find myself sleeping on my back and waking up feeling like my neck was being choked. I ended up having surgery to remove it, and I don't have that issue anymore. :D So much for the globus hystericus(or whatever it was called!). I tell you, doctors want to blame more stuff on anxiety or female hormones. :angry:

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For as long as I can remember I have referred to this as a 'Charlie Horse in my Neck'. When it presents it is slightly visible and it is palpable. My kids used to think it was 'cool', but it can be very uncomfortable. I've mentioned it to several Docs but I get that blank stare :ph34r: Imagine that....

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Another name for globus hystericus is globus phayngeus. Regardless of the name, this is a very real medical condition. After I miscarried (almost 20 years ago), I remember a lump in my throat for weeks. Perhaps the grief stirs up the mast cells and causes this phenomenon. The latest research points to an allergic response. Symptoms typically reverse with antihistamines.

This is also another manifestation of my "low grade anaphylaxis." I have gone for weeks and months with this phenomenon. Antihistamines reverse it for me.

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Oh, no! if you really want answers "Go ask Sarah." If there's something she doesn't know, she will research it, find others with the same questions, learn all that they know, find the world's leading experts, engage their input, and end up educating them over a lovely dinner :rolleyes:

Have you shared the work you are doing, Sarah?

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It has a lot of attachments and is mainly mast cell related, so I posted in on Mastocytosis Society Canada. I'm also tired, but if anyone wants to check it out there, I'd be happy to answer any questions.

And I'd still be wondering what in the world was even going on if you hadn't pointed me in this direction, Julie.

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WOW! Thanks for all the responses. Interesting article Julie!

I have had my thyroid checked. I do have some nodules and have had a biopsy but nothing serious was found. My thyroid function has always been good according to the tests.

For me, it isn't so much a feeling of a lump in my throat as it is a sense that there is a tight band right around the esophagus and trachea area. It doesn't extend around the whole neck, just around the center portion. From the article Julie posted it looks like there are several "possible causes" that I have. I seem to have several issues with the esophagus (GERD, LPR, and esophageal spasms) so maybe it's another form of esophageal abnormality.

I've tried all kinds of stretches and positions to try to relieve it and it doesn't seem to respond to any of those kinds of treatment so doubt it's muscular in nature.

I did take a couple Benadryl last night which helped relieve it somewhat but it worsened again after a couple hours. I was really tempted to "borrow" my husband's epi pen but figured I should really check with a doc before going that route.

Sue- I hear you about how often they want to blame things on psych problems in women. I had 2 of my kids have horrible problems with episodes of dizziness. They both were referred at different times to the same ENT who specializes in vestibular issues. When my son saw him and didn't have a vestibular problem, the doc thought he needed a brain scan as he might have a serious neurological issue. When my daughter saw him with the same results, he said she was depressed!!!ARGHHH

Sarah- interesting about you feeling it when you lie flat on your back. That was when I first noticed it years ago- when I was lying in "corpse pose" at the end of a yoga class, relaxing. I would be totally relaxed but kept feeling like a finger was gently pressing over the thyroid area. Now it's gotten much less "gentle" and feels like 3-4 fingers squeezing tightly. I'll have to check out your work on the MSC site.

Once again, it's really nice to know I'm not the only one with a symptom that is sure to get weird looks from any doctor I mention it to.

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  • 9 years later...

I found myself here looking for answers to front of neck pressure.  I have Myasthenia Gravis and believe that this is part of it.  MG comes with swallowing problems too.  And a droopy eyelid.  Very tedious situation.  Apparently my neurons are not firing, or they are but the chemical message doesn't evolve.  I am also constantly tired.  I am 74 and MG arrived some 10 years ago.  I recognise the pulling something away from the neck scenario and cannot wear anything that surrounds the front of the neck, most uncomfortable.  I am not depressed or hysterical!  I am in self-isolation, ie roaming around my house and garden and not going out to avoid catching Coronavirus which would be severely contra indicated.

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  • 2 months later...

I’ve been having this weird feeling (pulling the turtleneck) for a couple weeks now. I googled my symptoms and lo and behold, it’s another dysautonomia thing. I’ve been diagnosed with various dysautonomia things (vasovagal syndrome, long qt, fibromyalgia, symptomatic pvc, etc etc). I was both surprised and not surprised to find this here. Has anyone been able to make it stop? 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/22/2011 at 2:09 AM, Chaos said:

Over the past several years I've had episodes of feeling like I have a tight band around my throat...kind of at the "adam's apple" level, or near the thyroid area. It comes and goes and I've never been able to identify what causes it or what it was related to. However, with all the MCAD questions floating around these days, it's made me start wondering if it could be a "mild" form of anaphylaxis? Anybody else have anything like this? It does make it a bit harder to swallow and breathe, but I don't feel wheezy like an asthma attack. I keep finding myself reaching up to try pulling a tight turtle neck sweater away from my throat....but I'm not wearing one! Nothing touching me anywhere near my throat. Don't think it's anxiety as it's happened during yoga classes when I'm very relaxed and calm and I'm not a particularly anxious person in general.

Any ideas??

(I have suspected an MCAD type reaction associated with my POTS, but don't think it's the cause of my POTS. Rather, when the POTS is uncontrolled, I have nearly all the symptoms on the list for MCAD. I'm supposed to see a mast cell specialist at Mayo in a couple of months.)

I started having a similar issue back in February or March, when my dysautonomia symptoms kicked into gear really hard. I figured out that (for me) it is something called globus sensation. It can lead to dysphagia (swallowing problems) and a weird sensation in the throat. For me, it felt really tight all around my throat-- and at times I felt a crawling sensation. I had trouble swallowing and thought I was surely going to choke. I still get it when I am really stressed, and I got it MOSTLY under control by doing breathing exercises/meditations twice daily. Have you noticed any particular poses in yoga class that bring it on? I'd definitely talk to your doctor if you suspect it is allergic in nature! How scary for you!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/27/2020 at 5:37 PM, flowntheloop said:

I started having a similar issue back in February or March, when my dysautonomia symptoms kicked into gear really hard. I figured out that (for me) it is something called globus sensation. It can lead to dysphagia (swallowing problems) and a weird sensation in the throat. For me, it felt really tight all around my throat-- and at times I felt a crawling sensation. I had trouble swallowing and thought I was surely going to choke. I still get it when I am really stressed, and I got it MOSTLY under control by doing breathing exercises/meditations twice daily. Have you noticed any particular poses in yoga class that bring it on? I'd definitely talk to your doctor if you suspect it is allergic in nature! How scary for you!

I had to respond because I couldn’t believe my eyes reading this. I’ve been suffering from globus since Dec 2018. I feel no soreness or heartburn, just a fullness in my throat (sometimes chest) on good days and the irritating crawling feeling on bad. In fact, what prompted this response was your inclusion of the ‘crawling’ sensation. I’ve never seen that listed as a symptom, and when I brought it up Dr looked at me crazy.

I feel near constant globus, made slightly better by eating food. Swallowing saliva seems to make it worse. On good days it’s like a pill or finger is stuck in my throat, but I can try to ignore it and cope with my work. On bad days, that’s when the “ant/worm crawling at the bottom of my throat” feeling hits and I truly regret being alive. There also seems to be a lot of clear icky phlegm in throat ALL THE TIME, no matter how much I hack up. Seems to alternate (with overlap) between the 2 feelings with no rhyme or reason.

Seen 3 ENTs, Nasal endoscopy and barium swallow. Tests were all inconclusive, but I’ve been suffering. I was put on LPR reflux meds for months - literally no change. Pandemic cancelled my further tests, and I almost lost hope till I stumbled on a post few weeks back. Guy saying he took anitihistamines to relieve globus. I had nothing to lose, so I tried it.

IT WORKED. I’m a huge skeptic normally, but I was so happy I actually cried. The tightness didn’t go away fully, but the crawling disappeared which was more than enough after 2 years. I was taking 1-2 Benadryl before bed over the holidays and waking up to a mostly relaxed throat. Although, its like the muscles are so used to being tight they are searching(?) for a trigger that’s no longer there and kinda spasming. I assumed that would eventually pass, because for the first time in what felt like forever - I felt mostly relief.

Then, I forgot to take it the past few days and woke up with the crawling this morning (ergo why I found this post) which saddened me because I thought I was finally on the mend. I was ready to write today off, then I took a Claritin, nodded off for an hour and poof crawling gone. So now, I am as glad as I am confused.

I would like to know more about your situation, and I’ll answer any question you have. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I find this extremely interesting. My 7 yo and I both have hEDS, and I have POTS & MCAS. I'm told she's too young to be dx with POTS, and she's suspected to have MCAS. She is showing all the early signs of Dysautonomia/POTS, though, & that's why I find this soooo interesting. She's the one who is suddenly complaining of what feels like a rope around her neck. At first it was only when she would swallow. She's had issues with swallowing and choking/food getting stuck, and is currently being tested for things. I have been dx with idiopathic esophageal spasm myself bc I get bad spasms with swallowing, no rhyme or reason to it. As of tonight she said the rope feeling was not just triggered by swallowing. But by breathing, as well (non emergent, obviously, but concerning nonetheless). Which is what led me here...

I must say I agree that when my POTS is triggered and flared up, it's a domino effect and it triggers the MCAS symptoms to flare up full force. I'm currently in that situation.

I also have the "fullness" feeling in my throat quite often, even if I clear it out, and will have clear mucous built up constantly. And for me, swallowing saliva or even any liquid can make it worse, too. I've been on a PPI 2x a day for decades and I'm also on H1 H2 BLOCKERS for the MCAS (high dose of xyzal [stronger formulation similar to Zyrtec] & pepcid). So it's not allergy or GERD related for my case, but I wish that helped...

There is something called EOE, that is allergy related and relieved by allergy meds and PPI, but you have to have biopsies done to get diagnosed and not be on those meds. Difficulty swallowing is one of main symptoms, and might explain some of the other weird sensations. Something else to look into. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 

I don't always necessarily get the tight feeling or constricted throat, but I cannot wear anything tight around my neck, bc it feels like I'm being suffocated or choked and then I do get the sensation. Maybe this is related to it... It triggers that. Idk.


I can relate to alot of things in this thread, and maybe it's a sign I stumbled upon it for my daughter.... Idk. Thanks for the info fellow Zebras & POTSIES.

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  • 5 months later...

I was recently diagnosed with Disautonomia with POTS as a result of the Pfizer COVID vaccine. I got a tight throat 15 minutes after the shot, and 3 months later my throat is still tight, and I have these horrible crawling sensations in my throat and tongue. Tried acupuncture, meditation, Benadryl, nothing helps. I am not sure why my doctors are reluctant to give me muscle relaxants. Tried low dose anti-enxiety med, which helps relaxing the muscles a little, but had to stop it. It is really bad. Anyone got rid of this crawling sensation? I saw anticistamines helped someone, but cannot take them because of other contraindications.

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7 hours ago, Amy45 said:

I am not sure why my doctors are reluctant to give me muscle relaxants.

@Amy45 - I am sorry to hear about your troubles! I do not have any Input on the nature of your throat tightness ( other than it commonly occurs as part of an allergic reaction ), but I want to mention that I take Flexeril ( Cyclobenzaprene ) - a muscle relaxant. I take it for the the muscle spams that come from elevated norepinephrine levels in HPOTS. This medication tends to make me sleepy but otherwise has no negative effects on my POTS. Maybe your doctor does not believe this type of medicine would help your symptoms? However - it might be worth trying!

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  • 10 months later...

I went through years of testing for the difficulty in swallowing, lump in throat and sometimes couldn't even swallow my own saliva. It was extremely painful and would cause pain and pressure up mt neck, into my head, in my chest and down my left arm. Even thought it was a heart attack at one point. Nitroglycerin actually stopped it. Dr. Gave me a script for that but I discovered on my own that it was red dye #40. That dye is in just about everything! If at any time I unknowingly consume that dye and experience symptoms, I start myself on a regimen of 1tbsp apple cider vinegar to 8 Oz water. I just sip some. No need to drink it all. Most of the time it will go away immediately but I'll continue twice a day for a couple of days, then once a day for a couple more days. It may not help all of you but could be the issue for some. 

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