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Dr. Grubb is very sick.


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Hi everyone:

I am writing in tears to all of you to let you know that I just called Dr. Grubb's office about a paperwork issue and the nurse told me that he is on medical leave again and that it is very serious. I tried to push her for info and she said it was very bad. I asked if it was cancer again (he had cancer once before), and she said possibly and that he was going through surgery right now.

I don't suggest that anyone call in...it doesn't sound like they can handle be inundated with calls right now.

I would be happy to be the designated information seeker so that everyone can be updated. Or if someone else would like to, of course, that's fine too.

I, as I'm sure you all are who know him, am devastated by this news.

Please send him your prayers.


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Thanks Kristen for taking the time to post and getting the news on Dr Grubb.

I hope so much that he will pull through his sickness. He is such a nice man and knowledgeable doctor. This is so unfair. He is still young.

I am worried about him.

Please keep us posted.


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This is really sad news. I never saw Dr Grubb but I know how dedicated he's been to his patients. I hope he can recover soon and get through this.

If you hear anything else let us know.

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I don't know what hospital he is in. I have put a couple of calls/e-mails out...one to his staff and another to a personal friend and colleague of his.

I will keep everyone posted if I hear anything.

I am still in shock and deep despair for him especially...and, selfishly, for us as well.


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Guest Julia59

I have gone over to MCO a couple of times. Once to take the card from all of us, along with all the well wishes from this web site, and another time to take more well wishes that I missed with another card. The first time I also took a Happy Hannukah as well. I kept trying to catch this person I rely on, but kept missing her.

She usually is able to let me know what is going on with Dr. Grubb. She gives me straight answers-------no run around. Finally I got in touch with her today. Dr. Grubb is going to have surgery tomorrow for possible Cancer in the Kidneys.

Let's all pray for a good outcome to his surgery. The person I talked to said many are still calling not thinking about the impact this is having on all involved.

I'll be keeping him and his family in my prayers for NO cancer----or if they do find it, it's contained and easily curable.

Julie :0)

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Oh my gosh. I know how much he means to so many of you.

Meanwhile I just called there yesterday to verify again what I had been told last week( that Nicole's doctor's office staff had to call to make the appointment for Nicole also that they were booking into next August/ September for new patients) and the receptionist never let on at all that Dr. Grubb was out on leave presently. That is so very scary to think it is cancer and that the nurse said it was serious.

Nicole had been planning to call her local pcp tomorrow to ask his office staff to make the call to Ohio. I gave her the phone number and who to ask for at Dr. Grubb's but she will hold off.

I hope he pulls through this okay. Let us know what you learn, violahen. Thank you for posting this.


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Hi Julia:

Thanks so much for the info you supplied. I am so worried about Dr. Grubb and his family.

I get to Toledo every couple of weeks from Cleveland where I live to see either Dr. Grubb or Ken Davis (perhaps you know him...he is a psychologist friend of Dr. Grubb's who deals mostly with chronic illness issues and dysautonomia stuff), but it sounds like you have a much closer connection because you live so close by.

Do you think there is anything we can do on this forum that might be helpful to him and/or his staff?




I have gone over to MCO a couple of times.  Once to take the card from all of us, along with all the well wishes from this web site, and another time to take more well wishes that I missed with another card.  The first time I also took a Happy Hannukah as well.  I kept trying to catch this person I rely on, but kept missing her.

She usually is able to let me know what is going on with Dr. Grubb.  She gives me straight answers-------no run around.  Finally I got in touch with her today.  Dr. Grubb is going to have surgery tomorrow for possible Cancer in the Kidneys. 

Let's all pray for a good outcome to his surgery.  The person I talked to said many are still calling not thinking about the impact this is having on all involved.

I'll be keeping him and his family in my prayers for NO cancer----or if they do find it, it's contained and easily curable.

Julie :0)

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Guest Julia59

I'm sure that those that are calling for appointments/questions or help have no clue what's going on with Dr. Grubb right now. So basically they won't know that their call is just another call NOT needed at this time.

I think the only way we can help is to tell everyone to hold off if they can on phone calls---unless it's an emergency situation, and then they will be referred to someone that can help if possible.

I thought Dr. Grubb was just having a revision of his neck surgery. I had no clue how serious it was until I read your post Kristen. I was helping a woman who came to see Dr. Grubb from Missouri early last week. She said he seemed not himself. The nurse from there told her later that he was going to have to have another neck surgery.

I just spoke with her on the phone again tonight and she verified that this IS what she heard. But today i'm finding out his cancer might be back via phone call to his office----and it might be in his kidneys. Don't quote me on that because i'm not sure if the information is right, and i'm not sure what is going on. I guess the safe bet would be to only hear it from his lips.

Whatever the case is, my prayers will be with him and his family.

By the way, I have seen Ken Davis. He's the greatest! He has helped me in many ways, including helping me with the many questions I had regarding our local support group. He was so very supportive, and one of the most diplomatic people I ever met.

Julie :0)

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Hi Julia:

Thanks for your post.

I'm glad that you know Ken Davis as well. Yes, he is the greatest! He is a huge part of my support system. I put a call into him yesterday to see if he could give me any more info on Dr. Grubb. He is always very frank about that stuff...he was the one who told me about his back surgery. In any case, he is away until Monday, but I am sure he will call me back.

Thanks for keeping up with this.


He is on vacation

I'm sure that those that are calling for appointments/questions or help have no clue what's going on with Dr. Grubb right now.  So basically they won't know that their call is just another call NOT needed at this time.

I think the only way we can help is to tell everyone to hold off if they can on phone calls---unless it's an emergency situation, and then they will be referred to someone that can help if possible. 

I thought Dr. Grubb was just having a revision of his neck surgery.  I had no clue how serious it was until I read your post Kristen.  I was helping a woman who came to see Dr. Grubb from Missouri early last week.  She said he seemed not himself.  The nurse from there told her later that he was going to have to have another neck surgery.

I just spoke with her on the phone again tonight and she verified that this IS what she heard.  But today i'm finding out his cancer might be back via phone call to his office----and it might be in his kidneys.  Don't quote me on that because i'm not sure if the information is right, and i'm not sure what is going on.  I guess the safe bet would be to only hear it from his lips.

Whatever the case is, my prayers will be with him and his family.

By the way, I have seen Ken Davis.  He's the greatest!  He has helped me in many ways, including helping me with the many questions I had regarding our local support group.  He was so very supportive, and one of the most diplomatic people I ever met.

Julie :0)

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Guest tearose

Thank you for letting us know. I will pray for his healing and strength.

We can't have him out of commission for too long! So many really need him!

This kind of news is difficult, ....tearose

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I have just heard that Dr Grubb will have his kidney surgery next Thursday. The doctors found out about the kidney problem during a routine review for his last neck surgery. So hopefully if it is cancer it will be removed fast enough for him to get better again.

I am so concerned and worried.


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