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Where Is Your Blood Pressure/pulse


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Oh boy what a rough night.

Last night my blood pressure and heart rate were all over the place. And I felt like extreme crap, and got my husband worried to the point he wanted to take me to the dr. My blood pressure ranged from 102/68 60bpm(laying) wake up to 84/48 with a pulse of 90(laying), 100/74 with a pulse of 58, and 117/70 with a pulse of 112(standing) walk up to bedroom and 108/74 124bpm. Most of the time my blood pressure monitor doesn't even register(I get an EE code) and can't even feel the pounding when the cuff is up. Thinking the bp is too low. I've been on Midodrine for a little over a week and am up to 5mg 3 times a day, and it doesn't seem like my bp is affected by it. Wake up in the middle of the night with the feeling like I'm going to have to go to the bathroom. My arms were completely asleep all night long. Drank a big glass of water which seemed to help with the anxiety feeling in my chest.

I would just like to get an idea if this is just "normal" for POTS? (I've only been diagnosed for 2wks, but symptoms for probably about 6yrs, that really ramped up out of control since August.)

Where do your BP's and heart rates sit at?



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My BP monitor was getting errors too the other morning when I felt so bad and knew my numbers were really low. Its a shame since it would be nice to at least be able to document it for our Drs if nothing else. But yes - I believe it's all part of this condition. I never know what to do either to relieve it since I'm also on all the meds that are supposed to be helping. Drinking water is probably hugely helpful. Also meditative breathing to center your mind so you worry a bit less... easier said than done though when you're in the thick of it.

When do you see your pots dr next? Keep good records of all of your BP & HR readings (even the ones that are so low the monitor reads EE) with date & time, which you probably are already doing.

Take care of yourself

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Sounds like typical POTS to me. Normally my BP goes up instead of down but once when I was having an episode (I like to call them storms), my BP & HR were all over the place. I would be extremely low if I was lying down (98/60 & HR 50s) but when I got up, I would be sky rocketed (150/110 & HR 120s). I was so uncomfortable and had so much anxiety & other symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea, PVC's, Headache, etc. My NP put me on an emergency plan so I implemented it and I gradually got better within 30 or so minutes. My plan is to take my beta blocker (small dose) but that's b/c my BP runs high. It scared me to take it b/c I was dropping low HR & BP's & didn't want to go too low with the med on board but like I said, I took it and it helped.

I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. It is a helluva disease to live with considering it isn't deadly. But knowing you aren't alone makes it better and this website is a Godsend for all of us.

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Just got up for a cup of tea, and my BP (standing) was 114/94 and HR was 145. But I had to take a sudafed last night. My "normal" BP is usually 100's/60's. But I have been doing very poorly of late, so been hanging out in 90's/60's, or even 80's/50's. (Which is when I REALLY feel awful!) My "normal" HR is usually in the 110's or 120's. Can't win lately. I'm on a teeny tiny dose of atenelol to try to keep the tachy in line (12.g mg, once a day), but have had such low BP so often lately I have been skipping the beta blocker. But as I am pretty tachy this morning, I took the atenelol and will keep my fingers crossed! I have orthostatic hypotension, so I always run low, and it only gets worse upon standing.


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