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More Than Just Pots..


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I was searching the internet about my sinus issues, and i stumbled accross a posting that fit me to a tee.

Sinus pressure, irritated/swollen/puffy eyes, fatigue, irritability, DEPRESSION!

I am so frutrated. I feel like I am sick more than I am healthy lately. I constantly go to the doctor and the response is always "sinusitis again." I get antibiotics but then it comes right back. Many people suspect allergies, but allergy meds doesn't seem to have an impact.

When I wake up, I don't want to get up. I feel tired as soon as my eyes open because they are puffy, itch and feel thick and swollen. My teeth/jaws are sore, I am constantly pushing my hands on my cheek bones (just to the left/right of my nose), putting pressure on the ridge of my nose and just above my nose on my forehead. I feel out of it and spacey. I am irritable. All I can think about is when I get to lay down again. When I rest, I still wake up tired. I can't sleep longer than four hours a night unless I have sleep medication which only allows a 7 hour nights rest at most.

All of this is bringing me down and depressing me so badly. I am usually a very upbeat, happy energetic person, but not in the last three months. I can't seem to shake it. My irritability is at an all time high. I really need help with this.

This was the posting from a guy on a forum. I almost dropped my cup because its EXACTLY my symptoms. I know i have POTS for sure but this problem is what is triggering my POTS. I am on allergy meds that dont work and my CT was clear. What could this be?? I feel like if i find out and fix it, it could drastically change my life.

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I have this too Dani.

I liked the way someone described it as the creepy crawlies.

I get the creepy craw lie sensations too in my head and in my chest and it often sets off my adrenaline surges.

I get the popping and running sensations all over my body.

The one time I felt it in my leg I felt the pop and then the trickling down I swear I always think there just went an anuerysm but nothing happens.

It must be a sensation in the nerves that causes this.


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Yes is did have 2 CTs that were normal expet showed tons of nasal swelling (obviously haha) I am seeing an ENT right now and doing allergy shots that have not done anything. Allergy meds dont work for me, and antibiotics do while im on them, but as soon as i come off them, then it comes right back :[

I am giong to cut out dairy and see if that helps :]

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I agree that chronic sinusitis is really miserable.

I found an ipratropium bromide spray made a huge difference to me; much more effective than the usual allergy sprays. It helps if you have vasomotor rhinitis (which is an autonomic condition) and it really improved my sinusitis and the endless nosebleeds from the nasal swelling. I apparently don't have allergies but I also take antihistimine pills and they have a small positive effect.

Can you tolerate decongestants? I find only the slow release 12 hour ones work. They do make my POTS worse for a day but it is worth it sometimes to have a break from the sinusitis, particularly if the pain spreads into my cheek/jaw.

I tried coming off dairy products. It did have a small positive effect, but I don't think it would ever have reversed the sort of chronic sinusitis in several cavities that you are describing. I went back to eating dairy products because the improvement wasn't worth the hassle.

I was thinking of asking about surgery again. I was told about 15 years that I wasn't a suitable candidate and they would probably make it worse. With new surgical techniques I was hoping to get a more positive opinion this time around. Have you discussed this with your ENT?

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Dani, please post how this goes. My husband has had these symptoms for 10 YRS (not a typo) and he is miserable. He has been CT'd and scoped out the wazoo and his allergy meds don't work, either. He has been on all of them at one point or another. I have suspected food allergies all along and he did test positive for dairy, wheat, eggs and yeast but he did not respond to an elimination diet---I cannot figure out why. He swears he did not break the diet but I'm not so sure. Anyway, food allergies are worth checking out in your case, especially if your symptoms are not seasonal. Best of luck.

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Guest tearose

Hugs to you dani. Hang in there.

I too understand the problems with poor sleep and problems with sinus.

If the adjustment to your diet helps great. I too think a visit back to the ENT may help. Do you use any saline spray to your nose?

I often will inhale the steam from my morning brew to help me open my sinus~ :blink:

Are you worse in the dry of winter? Hopefully you will improve as Spring arrives. In the meantime, if really blocked you can try afrin for a couple of days.


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I have the SAME problem. I have found a solution- daily neti pot rinses with Wilson's Solution. It is an antibiotic mixed with saline that you pour directly into your sinuses. This is my Mayo allergist's remedy of choice for LEAST invasiveness & BEST result.

I think it is prescription only- check with your pharmacist to be sure. It is $20 a bottle and insurance does NOT reimburse. It works. If I skip a few days- that fullness comes right back. At times, I can get away with every other day.



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Right now, my medical records say chronic sinusitis. CT scans show relatively minor ongoing issues- usually around my eyebrows/forehead. However, my CT scans have usually been taken been taken AFTER a course of antibiotics. I should get one beforehand. I have problems with an impaired immune system- hypogammaglobulinemia (low IgG and sometimes IgA.) Have you had yours checked via blood work? You should. One of my docs wants me to get infusions to replace my missing IgG and IgA. It's called IVIG therapy. I'm thinking about it.

I also have chronic nasal discharge, post nasal drip, facial pain (worse in the afternoon), bloody nasal discharge year round, and crackling painful stuffy ears. The Wilson's solution is a miracle for me. The stuffiness and pain disappears if I use it regularly. I can breathe and smell, and taste so much better. It is amazing. Try it, Dani.



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Thank you Julie!

I am definitely going to give it a go. I was also trying to think outside the box... my two top wisdom teeth have been coming in for awhile now. They are close to almost being totally out and they are impacted. I am wondering if this could be causing all of this.

Well, certainly that could be playing a part in this :rolleyes: How clever of you to make that connection. I know you hate the idea of having them removed- kind of a big deal for us dysautonomics- but I would guess that would help with your symptoms of sinus stuffiness and fullness.

Let us know what you find out re. your wisdom teeth AND if the Wilson's helps.


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Thank you Julie!

I am definitely going to give it a go. I was also trying to think outside the box... my two top wisdom teeth have been coming in for awhile now. They are close to almost being totally out and they are impacted. I am wondering if this could be causing all of this.


I would think the impacted wisdom teeth could definately be part of the problem. I also second the neti pot or saline cleanse systems. Honestly, when you are done you will be able to breathe better! For Potsy people it could also help reduce viruses.

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