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Daughter Is Improving!


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I've waited awhile before posting this because I was a little afraid that my 14 yr. old daughter with POTS was going to get worse again. It's been since January that Liz has been improving. She began to show signs of improvement at that time and her physical therapist at that point thought it would be good for her to go to vestibular rehab. It took us awhile to get that set up and in June she began vestibular rehab at a local hospital. (We also took her to a different doctor in April and he really encouraged the therapists that he felt her body was ready to be pushed.) She went 3 times a week all summer. She worked on sitting up and walking and the therapist instructed us what to do at home. Last spring, she was using a wheelchair in school, was reclining most of the time, and couldn't walk very far. Now, she sits up all day, the wheelchair is gone at school, and she walks all over school with a little assistance! Tonight, her and I began to walk around our neighborhood again. It's been 3 and 1/2 years since we walked together and I finally feel like I'm getting my daughter back. She's not ready to run a marathon yet but I know if she keeps this up, she'll soon be dancing at a school dance.

In some ways, I feel funny posting this when there are so many of you suffering so much and yet, when Liz was at her worst, it was the success stories that I clinged to. So I hope that for many of you out there, it gives you hope to know that there are people beating this. I can't tell you how proud I am of my daughter! She's been through so much and I'm hoping and praying that we're nearing the end of this. I'm hoping that soon I can come on here and tell you that she's completely well.


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I am so happy for you, Brenda. Thank you for sharing. We NEED good news here. It gives everyone hope. I'll cross my fingers and toes that Liz's improvement continues. Keep us posted!


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I've waited awhile before posting this because I was a little afraid that my 14 yr. old daughter with POTS was going to get worse again. It's been since January that Liz has been improving. She began to show signs of improvement at that time and her physical therapist at that point thought it would be good for her to go to vestibular rehab. It took us awhile to get that set up and in June she began vestibular rehab at a local hospital. (We also took her to a different doctor in April and he really encouraged the therapists that he felt her body was ready to be pushed.) She went 3 times a week all summer. She worked on sitting up and walking and the therapist instructed us what to do at home. Last spring, she was using a wheelchair in school, was reclining most of the time, and couldn't walk very far. Now, she sits up all day, the wheelchair is gone at school, and she walks all over school with a little assistance! Tonight, her and I began to walk around our neighborhood again. It's been 3 and 1/2 years since we walked together and I finally feel like I'm getting my daughter back. She's not ready to run a marathon yet but I know if she keeps this up, she'll soon be dancing at a school dance.

In some ways, I feel funny posting this when there are so many of you suffering so much and yet, when Liz was at her worst, it was the success stories that I clinged to. So I hope that for many of you out there, it gives you hope to know that there are people beating this. I can't tell you how proud I am of my daughter! She's been through so much and I'm hoping and praying that we're nearing the end of this. I'm hoping that soon I can come on here and tell you that she's completely well.


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