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Checking In Been Having A Hard Time


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Just wanted to say hello, as I haven't been around as much lately... A few people have tried to message me and I haven't figured out how to use the new forum yet. I've been have a lot of problems with my joints hurting really bad. I also tore my left knee Mencius along with getting a baker's cyst. I got a cortisone shot which didn't work and they thought I had a blood clot... no clot showed, but they said with pots it would be something they would look for and would be common after a tear.

A week later I was in worse pain....now I could not step down needing a second shot and now I had Achilles heel tendinitis and walked out with two new braces and back to the infusion clinic... Now, I'm in pain on the opposite side of the knee. I must be compensating the way I walk and straining muscles. So every day the pain gets worse instead of better. Also I had some kind of reaction to the brace on my lower leg even though I had a sock on I swelled and itched so bad I though I was going to rip my skin off. Today, I was at the hospital and meant to make an appointment with the doctor but I'm so tired I fall right to sleep... So I'll be back there Monday and will check in then.

Tomorrow will also be my mother's birthday... the first one since she passed away in May. I haven't had transportation to go back to the cemetery since she passed and we plan to go back tomorrow as my daughter just got back from vacation. It still seems unreal to me and I have been sad. I keep finding letters from her all over my house. They are like they were time released for me to reread and I cherish them more the second time around. They have been a great gift to me and comfort. I miss all of you and I hope I'll soon be back and able to figure out all of the new system. My brain Fog has a hard time with things like this and reading directions...

Blessings and Love to all~


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Hi Bella-

Glad to hear you are alive but sorry there can be no kicking what with dealing with your knee and achilles tendon. I tore my achilles tendon when I was a teenager - Ouch! - there is a reason why the phrase has passed into use as a source of pain and incapitation.

I'll say a decade of the rosary for you and your mom tomorrow. Make sure you bring ice packs. When we are in such pain, heat can be even harder to take.

In the upper right corner of the screen, you will see your name with an inverted triangle next to it. If you have messages, there is a number; if not, you will see a zero. You click next to the number and can access your messages. If you press the ctrl key and the plus sign at the same time, the entire screen will be enlarged to make it easier on your eyes.

take care sweet one,


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Hi Bella-

Glad to hear you are alive but sorry there can be no kicking what with dealing with your knee and achilles tendon. I tore my achilles tendon when I was a teenager - Ouch! - there is a reason why the phrase has passed into use as a source of pain and incapitation.

I'll say a decade of the rosary for you and your mom tomorrow. Make sure you bring ice packs. When we are in such pain, heat can be even harder to take.

In the upper right corner of the screen, you will see your name with an inverted triangle next to it. If you have messages, there is a number; if not, you will see a zero. You click next to the number and can access your messages. If you press the ctrl key and the plus sign at the same time, the entire screen will be enlarged to make it easier on your eyes.

take care sweet one,


God Bless you sweet Noreen. Thank you for all you do FOR ME HERE, your message that you sent, your understanding of my pain,your friendship and your kindness by saying the ROSARY...I WAS SO TOUCHED..as I have a Strong Devotion to the Blessed Mother Mary...I think I'm in too much pain too figure all of this out tonight. I sent one message, but I can't open them. My leg hurts bad now, so I'm going to take my meds and see if I can relax with my half shaven dog. Poor thing, as I hope by the weekend I will have completed the job.




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Dear BellaMia,

I'm so sorry to hear about all of these recent problems you're having...all top of everything else you're going through! You are a true inspiration to me, how you get through your days and maintain such a cheerful attitude. I wish I could pray away some of the pain for you, or do something to make you feel better for at least a while. Hang in there, and rest, and cherish your mother's letters. Never forget about all of the good friends here that care very much about you.

Hugs,big hugs (that don't hurt!),


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Got a few more minutes to write.

I know you recently got a wheelchair, do you also have a walker? I've now progressed to a walker with my broken foot/leg. It is kind of hard on your shoulders, but you can take some weight off you foot and leg. I wish I had one of those fancy ones with the seat, I just have a plain old ugly one. But, it sure has been a life saver. It helps you to be more conscious of trying to walk straight too and if you get wobbly, you won't fall.

I know tomorrow will be rough for you. Sorry for your loss and the pain you're in. Jehovah God remembers those who are asleep and will help those who call upon his name in times of grief. Hoping for some restful sleep for you and a calm, peaceful heart.


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Bella Mia,

I'm so sorry you've been dealing with such pain in your knee, and now your achilles as well! Yes, it does stink when one leg has problems and because you avoid fully bearing weight on it then you get problems with everything else. I'm glad to see you on the forum, and hope you heal quickly or at least get some pain relief. :(


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THANKS EVERYONE for your support!! I got through last week with the innocence of my young grandchildren. WE all went to visit mom and dad's grave site and children noticed things that we adults don't. They made it more of a happy occasion. I learned to kiss the ground, sprinkle flower petals, leave gifts behind that little ones treasure. Also, we had to teach that we don't dig our Beloved Nina back up to see her one more time...Out of the mouths of babes...I love them so much!!! Today is my birthday and tomorrow would have been my dad's.

I'm still struggling with my leg and heel along with getting to use this new system. Things will get better, as I just had a good old cry for all that is going on...My son just called as he just made it to college.

love to all~


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Hope you continue on a path of less pain and more good times.

As for your messenger, I just figured it out myself. At the upper right of your page, you'll see your picture and name. Click on your name and a drop down menu will appear and shows the messenger word to click on. The forum software also now calls messages "conversations". Confused too, but I got some good sleep last night and am trying to figure it out.

Hang in there girlie.

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