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Pots And Memory

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Heyy guys, I've been having some trouble with my memory lately and its really starting to scare me,

I find I'm forgetting to do things that a wouldn't normally forget and i feel "spaced" at times.

Please tell me your thoughts and experience on POTS and memory, Also what I can

do to help with it, Is it just a phase? It's really starting to bother me.

Thanks guys :lol:


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Hi Garrett~

You are definitely not alone! Not only my illness but some of my meds make me feel like a total space queen too much of the time. I also forget common things I used to remember, but what really frustrates me is when I lose track of where a conversation is going, or want to tell somebody something, and then I forget what it was. I'll also do things like try to put the coffee pot 'back' in the fridge, or things like that. Some days are better than others, though, and hopefully that holds true for you, too.

Don't try to let it get to you too much. I think the majority of us suffer from it. Just be patient with yourself, and it'll come to you eventually. When you're stressed, of course you'll have a bigger problem with it, so learn to try and relax, and perhaps meditate or do something that's calming for you, whatever that may be.

Take care,



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I can remember the most complex things about the field I work in, but I have a hard time remembering all the little day to day things.

I was going to order food for me and my husband the other day. He told me what he wanted, I repeated it to him then turned around to order. As soon as I did I'd forgotten what he wanted! Every morning I have to go back in the house at least a couple times to get things I forgot while I was getting ready.

I feel like a space cadet!

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I can remember the most complex things about the field I work in, but I have a hard time remembering all the little day to day things.

I was going to order food for me and my husband the other day. He told me what he wanted, I repeated it to him then turned around to order. As soon as I did I'd forgotten what he wanted! Every morning I have to go back in the house at least a couple times to get things I forgot while I was getting ready.

I feel like a space cadet!

This reply sums it ups for me!! It's the short term memory I have a terrible time with. I take my meds sometimes and less than 5 minutes later I can't remember if I took them or not. I had a couple times I thought I was losing my mind my memory and focus got so bad. One time it was mono making it worse and the other it was vit D deficiency. Now that those things have resolved it's gotten a bit better. I'm back to my normal absent minded state.


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OH yeah! Space cadet here reporting for duty! Takes me at least 4 tries to get out of the house just about every day due to forgetting things. While doing some cardiac rehab recently, I was trying to think of an answer for the tech. Closed my eyes to concentrate and forgot to keep walking at the same time- not a good thing since I was on the treadmill at the time. :lol: Or there was the time I was on a trip recently and had 2 small tubes in my bathroom kit. The first night I smeared toothpaste all over my face thinking it was acne cream. The second night I put clearasil on my toothbrush! And what was really bad was I did again the third night! Ok. Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself. It also helps keep me from thinking too seriously about having to be committed in the near future. :P

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OH yeah! Space cadet here reporting for duty! Takes me at least 4 tries to get out of the house just about every day due to forgetting things. While doing some cardiac rehab recently, I was trying to think of an answer for the tech. Closed my eyes to concentrate and forgot to keep walking at the same time- not a good thing since I was on the treadmill at the time. :lol: Or there was the time I was on a trip recently and had 2 small tubes in my bathroom kit. The first night I smeared toothpaste all over my face thinking it was acne cream. The second night I put clearasil on my toothbrush! And what was really bad was I did again the third night! Ok. Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself. It also helps keep me from thinking too seriously about having to be committed in the near future. :P


THANK YOU!!!!!!!! I really needed that laugh. It's been one of those days for me. You cheered me up.

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I'm sorry to hear that you've been having problems with your memory - yep, its something that can really freak you out. For a number of years, before I was diagnosed, I had two cycles a year of anaemia during which my memory collapsed as my iron dropped. I would go to the printer at work and find five copies of my documents - as soon as I'd hit 'print' I'd forgotten I'd done it. I would also forget meetings - just not turn up.... I actually got to the point, during each cycle of illness, when I would fail to recognise people I really should have known. For some bizarre reason, I would fail to recognise faces. Yep, very odd.

Anyway, I know you've been really tired lately, has your doctor checked you for anaemia? Just a suggestion.


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Forget what I'm saying

Forget what I'm doing

Forget what I just watched lastnight on television

Did I wash my hair ?? while I'm still in the tub.... :lol:

Once I forgot my own name while filling out papers

I once forgot which side of the road to drive on

Left the water running after finishing dishes 2 1/2 year old at that time had to tell me there was a waterfall in the kitchen.

I feel like I have an empty POT sitting on my shoulders

Its scary and funny but what can I do about it ?


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I was a pharmacist pre-POTS, and now I can even remember if I took my meds in the morning. I sympathize with you. I use one of those weekly pill boxes to keep track now. Needless to say, I won't be going back to work where other people's lives depend on me dispensing the correct medication.

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Thanks guys for the posts.

I hope its nothing like amnesia or anything or that sort :lol:

I don't really have trouble with remembering my past or even what I ate yesterday,

Its like id do something the be completely unaware that I did it very soon after.

I'm probably going to the doctor soon I'm just scared it might be something bad or incurable :P

Hopefully it works out.


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OMG this reminds me of a true story. I was talking to a co-working and I said "I have two main symptoms, the first is fatigue

and the other..........hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....I forgot what is was. I finally said, "oh, I don't remember".

About 2 minutes later I burst out laughing so hard I ,literally, couldn't get the words out.

Eventually I squeaked, out , the second is poor memory.


Garrett, sorry don't mean to minimize your feelings.

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I was a pharmacist pre-POTS, and now I can even remember if I took my meds in the morning. I sympathize with you. I use one of those weekly pill boxes to keep track now. Needless to say, I won't be going back to work where other people's lives depend on me dispensing the correct medication.

I was an ER nurse! Scary as well that I can't even remember if I took my own meds much less worry about someone elses. I love the weekly pill box idea but if my kids got a hold of it they would think it was a huge stash of candy!! I plan on getting one that locks at the end of the year with my flex spending money if I haven't used it up. The pill box idea has definitely crossed my mind though!! Thanks!! And as for the nursing career ... not looking good for me either.


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Thanks guys for the posts.

I hope its nothing like amnesia or anything or that sort :(

I don't really have trouble with remembering my past or even what I ate yesterday,

Its like id do something the be completely unaware that I did it very soon after.

I'm probably going to the doctor soon I'm just scared it might be something bad or incurable :(

Hopefully it works out.


Well everyone does experience these problems as you can see. Make an appointment with the doc to talk about it , and then try your best not to think about it until then .I know easier said then done. But every time you find yourself worrying about it remind yourself it is not going to help you in any way to get anxious, It just always makes things worse. Try not to go to the bad or incurable place. It doesn' t have to be bad or incurable. As you can see lots of people with POTS have memory problems. Some have it worse then others.

Sometimes my problems scare me and I'll think i"m getting worse and worry about it, but then I stop thinking about it and it it'll go back to normal. So, I try not to go to a dark place about it cause that makes it worse.

There are exercises people do to help memory. Here's a site I found that has mental exercises http://www.lumosity.com/

I usually play video games on Shockwave. It keeps my mind working. They always say the best way to keep your mind healthy is to use it. So, I play strategy games and puzzle games. Things that give my mind a workout but aren't too stressful. plus they're fun . I feel it helps me keep my mind active.

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My memory has gotten terrible as well. It is a little scary for me too. I have a theory about it though. As I go from good to bad cycle and back I tend to forget how bad the bad times really are. The loopey memory is a blessing for that. I think maybe that's the point, that we actually forget our bad times. It's weird because according to my journal, 2 weeks ago I was pretty bad. I didn't even remember how bad it was until I read it, but I still can't really remember how bad I felt. So, though this "space cadet" stuff can be annoying and sometimes frustrating at least I wont remember tomorrow what I forgot today and if I'm feeling bad I wont remember that either,lol.

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I have a poor memory and feel "brain fogged" every day. Lately I haven't been blogging or posting much on DINET because it is just so hard to think and formulate my thoughts! There are days when it is worse than others. Lack of sleep, too much sensory input, and lack of proper blood flow to my brain make it worse.

Stuff that helps me with cognitive difficulties:

good sleep

limiting exposure to overwhelming sights/sounds

midodrine (because it helps to keep my blood from pooling)

lying down to rest

Cerefolin NAC (a prescription)

I hope you can find some things that help you with your memory.


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I too have the worst memory issues ever. Yuck! I can't find my keys, I can't find FREEEKING ANYTHING!!! I get soooooooooooo irritable over it. I lose stuff just milliseconds after I use it. It happens probably several times an hour! I break down and cry over it. At least with my cell phone I can call it to find it - and I do = at least a few times a week. I'm getting very sad over it all. I'm having a brain MRI on Thursday cuz a head CT showed an old stroke - but my doctor doesn't believe I had one - so we'll see. I'm 53. The CT said I had a bunch of white matter that isn't normal cuz of ischemic changes - yet my carotid ultrasound came back pretty normal.......Oh so what was I typing about? What was your question - Pots and memory - okay - yes I hope to get some answers at the Mayo Clinic next week in Arizona - we'll see........I'm not going to get too excitied - no one yet knows what to do with me - and one thing is sure though - this is a great group of understanding people..... I may have a dysautonomia of some kind - who knows - I'd be really happy if I could have a remote alarm on my key ring though so I could find them when I need them........I'm open for suggestions!

Oh and does the pooling of blood cause lack of adequate blood flow to the brain? I wondered because of the brain ischemia on the CT with normal carotid ultra sound - does anyone know?

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Okay, as far as losing things goes, I have become highly organized. I have a place for everything. I make it a ritual to put things I really need in there place. If I don't I would probably never find them. It seems I have hardly any short term memory. For example, when I come home my purse goes in a certain place, my keys and cell phone. I remind myself as soon as I walk in the door to put everything away before doing anything else. Usually I have been out grocery shopping and I remind myself after things have been put away to check and make sure I put my purse, keys and cell phone in their place. After that I completely forget about them until I have to go out again.

I take a note of things that are important and go over them in my head so that I wont forget. Carry a notebook or get one of the eraseable boards to write on. I do this so I don't have to tax my brain on things I need to know, but don't have enough memory to actually remember them.

I am hopeless with names. Today we went to a play date with a group of mothers who speak English. I knew one of them, but the others were completely new and as soon as they told me their names I forgot them. I have to repeat the names and really think about it to actually remember them. It's not an option when I am trying to hold a conversation b/c I can't do both at the same time, lol. I sometimes get horrible recall out of the blue. I was riding in the car with my husband and as I looked at him I couldn't remember his name. I was thinking oh my God, I can't remember my husbands name. It was a little scary and it took me several minutes for my brain to finally start working.

Sometimes it makes me sad b/c I am only 35 yr old. What is my life going to be like? Is this going to get worse? Will I need to be put in a home like an alzheimer patient? I had hopes of getting my Masters and actually trying to work. Now I am a little scared that I wont have any options. As you can tell I am a little depressed. This is not the way I want to live my life. Heaven forbid if anything happened with my marriage. I don't know what I would do. Would I even be able to work?

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