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Night Sweats


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Help :angry: . I'm sooooo tired. I am having such trouble sleeping because I am repeatedly awoken drenched in sweat. There are literally puddles on my body. I push the blankets off, then shiver as the sweat evaporates. I go through his routine dozens of times each night.

I sleep in an air conditioned room with a ceiling fan. My poor husband has relegated himself to the guest room as I am so miserable. Is this a dysautonomia thing? Does anyone else deal with this? I am menopausal, but control my hot flashes (for the most part) with a bio-identical patch. I also have MCAD, which coincidentally has the EXACT same symptoms as Carcinoid Syndrome....one cause for this extreme symptom. I'm not losing weight & my MCAD symptoms are well controlled with my med regimen.

Any thoughts? Any me too's?



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Me Too!!!

Not particularly hot here in Ireland either. Temps around 11-12c at night. Woke up yet again last night in a pool of sweat. I am not yet on the menapause. I have however had periods of hot flushing and these tingling warm feelings in my upper body since dec. I have been tested for mcad and told I dont have it. My triptase (think thats what its called) was 7. Have SERIOUS anxitey issues at the moment also. Wake up each morn with my heart racing and feeling very very anxious. You ever get these symptoms? Anything ever help?

In relation to the night sweats I have found that taking a single dose of ibuprovin at bed time can help. But not sure how good it is to take this long term.

Interesting what you said about carcinoid symdrome, as I too have these syptoms!!! If I could only find a doctor in Ireland who knew about dysautonomia!!!!

I wish you well Julie. You have always been a great help to me in the past and I wish I could give you some more help!!

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I suffered terrible till my sister found an article on topamax being used for night sweats, migraines, and since those are a double whammy with us I tried. The night sweats slowly went away. I was impressed...no more soaking the bed and changing clothes every night. My headaches and pains were some what better till recently and we needed to adjust the dose.

I'm not sure we will ever be free of joint pains and migraines but, for the night sweats I have found some relief.

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Oh, I'm also freezing.... went for a sleep study and the room was soooooo cold I needed another blanket and the air turned down. I tried to explain :angry: about the dysregulation of body temp. Wished I had bought socks to wear to bed. I only start to sweat now when I'm going to pass out so I get down fast.

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I had almost 20 years of night sweats starting in my early twenties (not related to menopause) and when I didn't have the sweats, I would often wake at night burning hot. I slept naked in an unheated room all this time, even when temperatures outside were well below freezing. Like Janet, my night sweats/over-heating were stopped with a small dose of ibuprofen at bed-time. I'd go off it every now and then to check whether the night sweats would return - they seemed to stop 18-24 months ago.

I restarted the ibuprofen a few days ago because I'm over-heating again - this time it might be menopause.

On the whole, I've found that night sweats/over-heating increase my fatigue - my illness is much more controlled without them.

With best wishes


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Ibuprofen is used to blunt the heart rate also...so if you have a low heart rate or bruise easily you may not want to use ibuprofen. Or better yet check with your doctor first. I sweat throughout my life. I never could even get a deodorant to work for me I sweat so bad. I used to joke about it back then.

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Oh, it really helps to know I'm not alone. Thank you all for your input. I have never heard of ibuprofen for night sweats, but I will try it. I always take 81 mg of aspirin (for Raynaud's) before bed & an Alleve (for pain.) I think I'll switch to ibuprofen and see what happens...

I have a physical in a few weeks (my first- can you believe it?????) I plan on bringing this up to my doc to see if he has any creative thoughts/solutions.

This is miserable. Helps to know I have company :rolleyes:



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I know I've said this before and stuff... but ibuprofen worked wonders for me (not just at night, but for everything) until I got a stomach ulcer 9 months later. Then I puked my guts out like a crazy person for two weeks and it hurt really, really badly like my insides were disintegrating. Now, I can't take NSAIDs. It's sad. I miss them.

So.... that's my caution about taking ibuprofen everyday. Let's just be really careful, okay?

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I can't take NSAI either. I found this link just to explain what all these pain meds are.

Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Acetaminophen: The Difference Between Over-The-Counter Pain Relievers - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com


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Thanks for posting that site. I always get confused about which pain reliever works best for pain but not inflammation, and I also have upper abdominal issues.



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Whoa. I tried the ibuprofen and I think it really helped. I only remember a few night sweats as opposed to 30-40. I've also had trouble with NSAIDS, ulcer years ago....

I wonder how low a dose will help? I took 2 last night as I was also feeling yucky- sore throat, etc.



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Hi Julie,

Delighted you got a result from ibuprovin!!! I only take one at night and dont take it every night. Also always take with some food to avoid upset tummy. Have even taken a half a tablet. Cut with scissors!!!! Hope youir having some cool nights and getting some rest.


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It's so funny to see so many issues being addressed with this dysautonomia thing... (I'm new, dysautonomia is new to me)

I always have night sweats. I'm always hot. It's so aggravating :angry: The worst was the other night when I woke up completely soaked and it really wasn't that hot. My poor boyfriend... I wash the bed regularly but there's only so much you can do... I was intrigued by the ibuprofen helping? Is it safe to take it regularly? I have quite a few prescription meds so I'm trying to avoid adding more but if it can make a big difference...

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