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Pregnant, Pneumonia/infection/bronchitis, Pots, Scared

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Forgive me for repeating what I already said in another post ... I'm just too exhausted to type a whole new post but am so needing support.

I was feeling really good for most of my pregnancy (I'm almost 8 months now) ... everything has gone just perfectly. The first couple months were really rough with the hormone changes and having to go cold turkey on about six medications at once, but then things really improved. I haven't even visited here in the last six months because I was feeling so close to "normal." Then my husband brought back an awful flu bug from a business trip. My body finally caught it after a couple weeks (my four year old had it for a week before me as well, which I spent up all night taking care of her and comforting her). I've been deathly ill for the past week now, and it just seems to get worse every day. It turned into pneumonia then add in a sinus infection and now bronchitis. Really??? It feels like a big practical joke ... especially after this morning when I was coughing so violently I tore/pulled an abdominal muscle (already stretched to the limit). Now every time I cough (which is about every other minute - I have no voice left), my stomach muscle screams. I can't even lay down and be comfortable ... everything aches, I can't breathe (POTS related), my heart is a mess (I'm back to doubling my bpm upon standing again - sitting I'm 70 and standing 155 ... WITH a beta blocker) and I keep violently coughing every couple minutes.

I was already fearing what my body would do after the delivery, whether I'd crash again and be back to being bedridden and unable to care for my baby girl and little girl properly. But now with this barrage of attacks on my already fragile body, I fear I'm just not going to recover. My POTS has gone back to square one after so much progress. I was even up to being able to do a light jog for short periods!! I have worked so hard on keeping healthy and building my strength back up. Now, once again, I'm struggling so much and haven't slept more than two hours in a week ... and I have a little four year old girl to take care of on top of everything else (and hubby just left for a week long trip again this morning).

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Hopefully this will get better. Every time I get a respiratory bug I get similar symptoms and it is awful. Try to keep your fluids up and get as much rest as possible. I know it feels like the world is ending, but it will pass. The more you take care of yourself, the sooner you'll start feeling better.



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Oh my poor girl, I so feel for you. I had a four year old boy to take care of during my last pregnancy and it was soooo incredibly difficult. You are really lucky that you did so well into your 8th month. I was a complete mess, with POTS symptoms SO much worse the entire pregnancy. It was so bad and since I had no help during the day with my little boy, I begged the Dr. to induce me early (ten days early which i feel guilty about to this day) because I just couldnt take it anymore. I know how awful it is to be SICK and not be able to just rest because you have a little one to take care of. You are doing so well and with your husband going away on top of this??? You're superwoman. I hope you have family or friends to turn to for help? Try not to worry about this sudden worsening of the POTS -- it probably is the bug you caught (pneumonia is miserable) and I'll bet once this has passed you will feel much better. My POTS always flares up when I am getting a cold or a bug. I worried too because I felt so bad during the pregnacy that I would be permamently worse and unable to take care of my son and the new baby ...and it was worse for a bit until the hormones settled down and then I returned to my formerly messed up, but not worse POTS self. Hang in there (((hugs))) and try to take this day by day. You are almost there and everything is going to be ok.

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Thank you so much for the kind words and understanding. It means a lot just to have someone to spill all this to that understands. I don't talk about my POTS with a lot of friends in real life ... even my husband doesn't know how much I struggle much of the time because I hate sounding like a broken record with my complaints and symptoms. I'm over the worst of the flu/pneumonia stuff now ... but now my POTS is flaring. It's the first time in 6 months that I've felt this awful and non-functioning. Yesterday my heart rate wouldn't go under 110 even sitting down with a beta blocker ... standing up it would soar to 160 and then I kept having PSVT's all day up to around 200. Today is slightly better, but I just feel completely wiped out. Anyway, thanks for listening and for the kindness shown. <3

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Sorry you're feeling so bad! I have a traveling husband as well and that makes it even more difficult. My husband doesn't really have a very good idea of how much I struggle either. I only tell friends on a need to know basis. I have 4 kids now and I developed POTS shortly after delivering the 4th. The one thing I have learned is to use my resources!! I've gotten over the guilt of spending a little money on help around the house and help with my kids. I know he can't back off on his work schedule and he's helping at times. I was dreading the summer, he has a ton of work to get done. I took care of the dread myself. I hired a babysitter a few times a week to come help, I have a cleaning person who comes in monthly, my kids have a couple camps and vacation bible school lined up, I now have summer in control. I know I will survive the summer. My kids will have a great time with me and with others as well and I can breathe a sigh of relief. Hopefully you have some resources you can draw from to help; whether it be family, moms day out, a teenager looking for a summer job. My babysitter comes at times while I'm there as well to keep my kids entertained so I can rest and get a few things done. Hope you have a sweet healthy baby soon. Keep us posted on your cute new addition and hope you start feeling better!!!


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Sorry you are having such a hard time. I don't see what meds you are on, but has your doc thought of giving you iv hydration? There is once in a while a mother to be in the bed beside me while I'm getting mine. I sure wish they used it as treatment for really sick moms to be back when I was having babies. I was so sick with my 3 babies. Maybe you could ask hydration, you'll feel like a car that has had an oil change. Sleep reclined, and get something for that cough.

Keep us posted on how you are doing..."MAY YOU BE WELL SOON"...

Sending you healing energy and much love.



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