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I got diagnosed two weeks ago with POTs and the consultant I have been seeing thinks I am coping well without medication and I tend to agree. I have increased my fluid and salt intake and have been wearing the support stockings and knickers and hadn't until yesterday suffered a collapse in almost 8 weeks! Yesterday however I collapsed in the hospital (I only popped in to use the cashpoint) and ended up spending 14 hours in A&E, after which I was basically told to get home and not to get overconfident because I do have something wrong with me!! I was soooo cross!

Ok but the point of this message is to ask about collapses and lightheadedness. How do you all cope with these symptoms? Do you worry about collapsing while you're on your own? How do you stop the lightheadedness?

Any tips much appreciated.

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being lightheaded is very common with POTS. i dont think i have gone one day in 3 years without some sign of this symptom. i get it when my bp is low or when i am about to pass out. You would naturally have it if you over did it. Laying down and drinking more fluids usually helps but sometimes you jsut have to ride it out..

its a pain in the behind! haha

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The thing is at the first sign of it I freak and believe that I am going to pass out. I guess it just takes some getting used to.

being lightheaded is very common with POTS. i dont think i have gone one day in 3 years without some sign of this symptom. i get it when my bp is low or when i am about to pass out. You would naturally have it if you over did it. Laying down and drinking more fluids usually helps but sometimes you jsut have to ride it out..

its a pain in the behind! haha

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I've been dealing with lightheadedness for a long time now. I had passed out and hit my head off a hard floor when I was younger, and since then I was always a little off..Since I got POTS, the dizziness that comes with that on top of the dizziness I already had is just so hard to deal with at times. It might take a long time, but eventually it always seems to pass so that I can have some good days. I guess just keep drinking tons of water and doing what you're already doing. Hopefully you feel better!

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I, too, have lightheadedness when my BP goes low. A cardio saw me as a favor to another doc two weeks before I was to leave for a trip to Italy. He performed two tests, changed my meds, suggested the compression hose and recommended hydration and salt pills. Another med he prescribed was Xanax. I was to take a pill whenever I knew that I would be standing in line. He believed that it would lower any anxiety that I would have about standing and the possibility of subsequent fainting. I took it for the airports, followed the rest of his suggestions and had a great trip.

My doc wants me to lie down if the systolic goes lower than 90. That's now always possible but I do sit when I begin to feel that sensation in my head. Getting up very slowly after sitting or lying also helps a lot.

Out of curiousity- what's an A & E? Is it a hospital emergency room? You're the second one who's mentioned it recently.

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Collapses are a big part of my life, and I just try to be consciencious of my surroundings and how I'm feeling. I'm known for being good at falling haha, and while its no fun there are ways to make yourself as safe as possible. stay close to walls when feeling sick and take it methodically. don't be afraid to take somebody's arm, and sit when you need to. lying down definitely helps, but the more you lie down the less your body adjusts. I'im strugglign thru this now

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I'm a frequent faller. My big kids know how to call an ambulance and my toddlers just think it's a lot of fun when mom gets on the floor to play with them. I hate passing out and sometimes I can tell it's coming. I've learned to walk next to the wall and find something to lean on during a conversation. I've also considered getting a handicapped parking permit to avoid fainting in a dark parking lot at night. It's terrifying but it's just another part of my life. I hate that it happens but I try not to let fear hold me back.

Good luck!


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