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Oh Yeah, All This Again.


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Well, after thinking I had experienced some kind of miracle cure, here I am again.

I keep trying to be thankful for feeling so much better for two months, but all the crazy symptoms seem to break down my ability to do that. I am full of as much despair & disappointment as I can muster the energy for.

Today my bp is tanking on me, I'm freeeezing. I know this is nothing that ya'll don't experience daily, as well, but since my "remission" I guess I have to go through all of the emotions again, just like when I was diagnosed. How foolish of me to be that optimistic....could have saved myself the grief now, huh?! I am trying really hard to keep my chin up, for holidays, for the kids. I've always had problems around the holidays, even before becoming ill, so now it's that much more to be bummed out about.

Thanks for listening, I realllly don't like to talk to anyone about this, but at least typing it out (thinking it out?) to those I know understand, may help prevent a meltdown in the near future. fingers crossed.

Hope ya'll are having a peaceful day.


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It is frustrating to go in and out of remission. It happens to me (and many others) too. The good news is that if you had a remission before you are likely to have one again. And perhaps longer next time. One thing that happens to me along with the emotional stuff is that I forget how much things like really increasing fluids and salt helps my symptoms. Once I remember how to manage POTS I can start to feel better.

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I like the way MomtoGiuliana put it--------------YOU WILL most likely get more remissions.

The hard part for a lot of us is that we're so misunderstood, and when we do have a POTS meltdown we often don't get the medical support or family support we need. If you do have this support, or even part of it you're very blessed to have it.

Take care of yourself, and take things one day at a time.

Maxine :0)

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Hang in there


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Been there. Done that. This dis-ease tortures you. It just plain *****. When it's been so long that you can't even remember how it feels to feel normal, and then all of a sudden you feel it again OMG, it's like heaven.You jump for joy. You want to do everything you've missed for so long. (and I tried) Then slowly, or suddenly symptoms begin to creep back in. And you just can't believe how bad you feel. just plain torture.

I've been feeling better since on a antihistamine routine, but the stress of the holidays, have not been easy on me. Plus the one thing I can't seem to beat is the fatigue. also right now, I'm having lots of anxiety, which is causing me some dizziness again. *Sigh*

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